November is generating lots of exciting community events and tools for the network! You can join the ReGEN4All team as they embark on their 5th Colloquium: Ecovillage Education & Research on November 15th at 19h UTC or tune in to learn more about the launching of the ReGEN4ALL E-Community Platform a space to promote your community events, share research findings, and more.
The fifth colloquium will reflect on Ecovillage education and how academic research can both inform educational programmes in Ecovillages and also contribute to systematize the knowledge co-created in these living laboratories.
Please register for FREE here:
Taisa Mattos (GEN, Gaia Education); Stefanie Raysz (Schloss Tempelhof, Lernorte für morgen) and Rehema White (University of St Andrews) will explore questions such as;
⭐ What are the main characteristics and contributions of Ecovillage education?
⭐ How can learning in ecovillages be characterised and understood by research?
⭐ How can academic research enhance active learning and reflection in ecovillages?
⭐ How can community members and researchers connect and form meaningful, collaboration for the co-production and sharing of knowledge?
THATS NOT ALL! Ecovillage Researchers and Practitioners are warmly invited to join the launch of the ReGEN4ALL E-Community Platform
⭐ When? November, 28th at 2pm UTC
⭐ Where? Online
Please register for FREE here:
Join our interactive session to be introduced to the E-Community Platform and Library. Engage in our Communities of Practices conversations on a local, regional, European or international level. Promote your ecovillage-related events, register your community, share your research findings, access our previous events, and more! Discover its benefits for researchers, academics, ecovillagers, and networks. Engage in Q&A, share your thoughts and resources.

Check out past events from the ReGEN4All Project:
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