In March 2024, a powerful movement began—uniting CASA Latina and GENNA across borders and hearts! Under the Gaia Education Ecovillage Design Education & Training of Trainers joint program in Tulum, participants from both regions made a historic pledge to support the Rights of Mother Earth and to reconnect Mexico with GENNA, recognizing it as part of “Turtle Island,” as indigenous nations call North America.
In a beautiful ceremony at the Tulum archaeological site, GENNA was honored with the Talking Stick of Life and Peace (Bastón de Vida y Paz)—a sacred symbol representing the prayers of tribes and activists from across Latin America. This powerful symbol was entrusted to CASA Mexico’s Luis Precoma by GEN Elder Alberto El Coyote, marking a profound commitment to creating Sanctuaries of Life and Peace. 🕊️
And the journey of the Bastón has only just begun! Over the weekend, it made its way to Virginia’s historic Twin Oaks Gathering—the first-ever “Convergence of Communities” organized by FIC (Foundation for Intentional Community).
The Bastón’s journey north has been marked by inspiring hand-off ceremonies: from Guardian and GEN-I Ambassador Patty Rangel to Michelle Wong of Ecovillage L.A., during the Sisters of the One Drum event in Covina, California. Then, at the Convergence of Intentional Communities, Michelle Wong from L.A. Ecovillage conducted a ceremonial handover of the bastón to Keala Young from Atlan Center in Washington. Participants from Sirius, Twin Oaks, Ganas, Earthaven, Heathcote, and other communities gathered for the occasion.
Now, Keala Young takes on the sacred role of the Bastón’s Guardian for North America, preparing to pass it on to the Canadian Guardian later this year. This journey represents a beautiful weaving of our efforts, uniting the Rights of Mother Earth movement from Chile to Canada! 🌎💚
Follow along and be part of this incredible story! Let’s spread the word and support the vision for a harmonious planet! Follow GEN on Instagram or Facebook to follow the journey.

Phot courtesy of Patty Rangel
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