What I remember most about Liora was her ability to say yes, to be a part of new ideas and
movements, and to always honor the Global South and the less fortunate.
Most of us in the leadership of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) first met Liora when we
were creating our first Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) curriculum on a small farm in the
north of Denmark. Liora was wide-eyed as she stepped out of the van and throughout the
meetings, she listened intently as we outlined the 4 keys that Hildur Jackson had created to
set the eventual programs into motion. (At some point, as most of you know, the EDE
became Gaia Education).
As Chair of the GEN International Advisory Council (IAC), one of my tasks was to help Board
members navigate personal difficulties. As insightful as we may be, there is always room for
personal transformation. Liora was the first to recognize the IAC’s importance.
I come from the community of Auroville in South India. I have always associated Liora with
the Global South through her work & community in Mexico. With our dear beloved brother,
Alberto Ruiz, Liora traveled through Central and South America with La Caravana, a group of
about 60 artists working in street theatre, art, music, and people’s empowerment. Liora did
some wonderful photography and had a good eye for the essential, including one of the first
visits to the famed Kogi in the Sierra Nevada of Columbia. Most of her photos got lost when
her suitcase tumbled off the van and now we mostly just have memories of this creative
courageous collective journey.
Liora was highly intelligent and an alternative entrepreneur who knew how to navigate
several worlds at once. When her son was accepted at a prestigious Ivy League school, she
laughed & proudly quipped: “At least I’ve done something right.” On her own projects, she
focused on youth education, providing scholarships to Gaia University, which she co-
founded, for those who could not afford to pay a tuition.
When Liora joined us as a GEN Co-elder at my suggestion, she was always extremely
practical in her remarks and saw food security and clean water as the most critical areas for
research and emphasis, especially in the global South.
Liora and I had many Zoom calls over the years and one chance meeting at Burning Man
where I am a regular. What I remember most is a statement she made on an Elders Zoom
call, which has become part of my own persona: The opposite of despair is not hope. It is
I always think of her when I say it.
And so it goes. We will miss our sister. Liora’s life has had an impact on many. We all wish for
the same for ourselves. May we all meet again.
Best wishes and love,
[email protected]
GEN Elder
Auroville community member
National Book Trust of India author
Co-initiator of Awakening spirit, an inspirational educational project created at Brave Earth
in Costa Rica to honor ancestral wisdoms, community skills & technology.
Please see: www.awakeningspirit.earth
“Liora was a saint and a good friend to so many of us in a human body. She always had a kind word and oodles of appreciation, while also being quite frank with her beliefs. I met Liora in my earlier years of being active at the United Nations; and we organized and spoke at many meetings and side events there together on behalf of the Global Ecovillage Network during the UN Commission on Sustainable Development in New York each year. She was always a trusted comrade and a colleague without peer and I missed her greatly at these meetings when she went on to co-found GAIA University with Andrew Langford. So I rejoiced mightily every time I got an email from Liora or was fortunate to come across her at some meeting or gathering or whatever.
Liora was a beautiful soul that we were all so fortunate to get to know. ” – Rob Wheeler (or Robbie as she also knew me as and often called me), GEN Elder, GENNA
Words from CASA Latina’s Margarita O. Zethelius
Liora es una inspiración por muchos motivos, su compromiso, su coherencia y su hermosa sonrisa.
(Liora is an inspiration for many reasons, her commitment, her consistency and her beautiful smile.)
La recordaremos profundamente. Entre muchas otras cosas, formó parte del Diplomado en Diseño de Ecoaldeas y Comunidades Resilientes en alianza con CASA! que vamos a lanzar en unos días y estaba muy emocionado. Hace apenas unos días se comunicó con Carlos Rojas esperando con ansias el lanzamiento y desarrollo.
(We will remember her deeply. Among many other things, she was part of the Diploma in Design of Ecovillages and Resilient Communities in alliance with CASA! which we are going to release in a few days and I was very excited. Just a few days ago he contacted Carlos Rojas looking forward to the launch and development.)
Liora fue un gran ejemplo de mujer que vivió una vida plena y entregada hasta sus últimos días. Será recordada como una de los eslabones entre los proyectos locales y la visión global de estos tiempos de transición.
(Liora was a great example of a woman who lived a full and dedicated life until her last days. She will be remembered as one of the links between local projects and the global vision of these times of transition.)
Nuestra experiencia en esta vida puede cambiar repentinamente, aprovechemos cada momento para compartir cuánto nos amamos y cuánto nos inspiramos.
(Our experience in this life can change suddenly, let’s take advantage of every moment to share how much we love each other and how much we are inspired.)
Abrazo profundo bajo la protección y amor de los árboles de findhorn, hermandad de las regiones del GEN y sus guardianes.
(Deep hug under the protection and love of the findhorn trees, brotherhood of the GEN regions and their guardians.)
Abrazo de familia planetaria. Que tengas un buen y alegre viaje querida Liora.
(Planetary family hug. Have a good and joyful trip dear Liora.)
Desde CASA le enviamos un fuerte abrazo a su familia, a la familia GENNA, a GAIA U y a GEN nuestra Familia Global, Margarita O. Zethelius
(From CASA we send a big hug to your family, to the GENNA family, to GAIA U and to GEN our Global Family, Margarita O. Zethelius)
A Liora la conoci via Felipe Bermudez, representante de ENA en el Caribe…En el 2006 interactue con ella en el 9no. congreso del movimiento bioregional realizado en la ecoaldea earthaven, siempre preocupada por tejer redes en el Caribe/Honramos su memoria…
Rodolfo Pierre G.
Casa Dominicana
Dear Andrew,
I remember with deep respect the intelligence and insights of this remarkable lady.I was captivated by both your and Liora’s deep understanding of the value of permaculture and life in harmony with nature.I couldn’t wait to meet you at Gaia University on The Farm in Tennessee.Your and Liora’s inspiration has never left me.
My appreciation will last for the rest of my life.