Network Structure
GEN is a network with membership and organisations at many levels. There are national GEN networks, Bioregional network, the 5 GEN Regions – GEN Africa, GEN Europe, GEN Oceania and Asia, GEN North America and CASA Latina, a youth branch, NextGEN, and GEN International, working at the global level. Each of these levels have their own organisations, membership structures and governance. We call them Nodes, because of the function they fill. However, our network exists far beyond the organisations that serve it, in the form of ecovillages, projects, groups and people all over the world engaged in the transition to a resilient and regenerative human presence on Earth.
We come together globally in the Network Steward Circle, NSC. The NSC links the Regional, Global Nodes, NextGEN, and GEN Council of Elders together. It is made up of 3 members from each of those Nodes/Circles. Its core purpose is Network coordination and to steward GEN’s shared purpose as a network. The Circle is also a forum where geographical diversity and relationships between all regions in GEN can be addressed and to some extent be balanced, aiming to give equal voice to different parts of the Network
GEN International – the Global Node of the Ecovillage Network
GEN International is the organisation that provides global platforms, voice and coordination to help the network achieve its vision and mission. It has a dedicated staff team and is stewarded by a Board of Trustees appointed by a General Assembly made up of three representatives each from the 5 GEN Regions – GEN Africa, GEN Europe, GENNA, GENOA and CASA Latina – NextGEN, our youth branch, and the Council of Elders.
Each of the GEN Regions and some national GEN Networks have their own staff teams, as well as their own boards of trustees and general assemblies. You can find out more about them in the Regions section of our website.
GEN International Staff
Within our Organisational Circle (Right), GEN is operated by its staff with the support of volunteers, interns, ambassadors, and advisors from all regions. GEN has several Focus Areas (Networking, Consultancy, Information Technology, Fundraising, Communications, Education & Research, Advocacy), with employed staff who maintain the core organisational infrastructure and also manage GEN’s funded projects. Meet the GEN International Staff here.
GEN International Board
Responsible for carrying the larger picture for GEN’s overall Vision and Mission, the GEN Board is composed of up to 9 trustees. The Board aims for diversity in terms of gender, ages, geographical location, background and skills, blending members from the ecovillage movement with passionate supporters from many others sectors and movements. The board makes decisions in accordance to Sociocratic principles.
See the current GEN International Board members.
GEN International General Assembly
The General Assembly is formed by representatives from the GEN Regions, NextGEN and GEN Elders, with 3 representatives from each. General Assembly representatives are chosen from the Regions, NextGEN’s or Elders council, staff and membership, and they meet in an online General Assembly to approve budgets and any constitutional changes, and appoint trustees.

Advisory Board
The GEN Advisory Board provides additional perspectives, support and resources to the Global Ecovillage Network. Its members are regularly consulted regarding strategy, fundraising, global networking, and the ongoing development and evaluation of the organization’s work.
See the current Advisory Board members.
Council of Elders
The Council of Elders is a group that represents the founders of the GEN movement. These are people who have been accompanying GEN for many years, and who share their experience from a long term perspective on GEN’s work and mission in the world. This Council meets regularly in online calls (at least 6 times per year) and inform GEN staff on strategy, vision, and any current questions.
Meet the Council of Elders members here!
Fiscal Sponsorships
GEN works with our Regional and National networks as well as individual members to offer or benefit from fiscal sponsorship. At the moment, GEN International is happy to recieve donations from the USA or in USD through our agreement with National member network GEN US.