“Creating the Earth (Kuni-Tsukuri) for a New Era” Dawn of the Era Hundreds of years ago, the universal wisdom came down to a monkey which is said to be our human ancestor, and then he began to use tools for the first time. As a result, the monkey evolved into a human (HITO). This is how our current advanced civilization exists. As a result of evolution, a materially rich society has been brought into the modern era. However, it has created conflicts among humans, brought confusion to … Read more
Report – CASA Chile Eco-Gathering: "Call of the Calafate" and Network Council Meeting
REPORT: Eco-Gathering: "Call of the Calafate," April 7-10, 2016 in Coyhaique in Patagonia, Chile Honoring Mother Earth, Remembering Our Ancestors and Our Community We had a lovely gathering in which we shared our knowledge and experiences in different workshops, conversations, and open spaces, and enjoyed living in community for the four days that we were together. We traveled to the southern territory of the Chile, summoned and enchanted by Patagonia, her people, and … Read more
Report – CASA Mexico "The Call of Salvia, 14th Council Held in Mexico Visions," November 21-28, 2015
By Coyote Alberto Ruz, Ecoaldea Huehuecoyotl, Mexico House From November 21-28, 2015 took place the 14th Vision Council, "Call of the Salvia," in Teopantli Kalpulli intentional community in the municipality of San Isidro Mazatepec, in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. The movement started in the early 1990s, with the Vision Council of Guardians of the Earth and it has bloomed to germinate many projects in communities, ecovillages, permaculture centers, networks and environmental groups, … Read more
Report – CASA Brazil Third National Gathering of CASA Brazil By Henny Freitas, Councilor from CASA Brazil
Through a round of introductions among participants and potential collaborators in the network, we started the activities planned for the Third National Meeting of CASA Brazil. For everyone starting to weave this network together, we introduced Sociocracy as a tool of governance for the Brazilian Council to facilitate a more dynamic and effective decision-making process by group consent. We used the handbooks and materials from the ECCO 2015 - the second meeting of CASA Latina - as … Read more
CASA – Upcoming Event "El Llamado de la Montaña/ The Call of the Mountain," Colombia, June 30-July 7, 2016
If you want to be a co-creator of a better world ¨EL LLAMADO DE LA MONTAÑA” / “THE CALL OF THE MOUNTAIN¨ is the gathering you have been waiting for! Join us from June 30th to July 7th, 2016 for our 10th Anniversary Annual Eco-awareness and Social Gathering at the ¨Anaconda del sur¨ ecovillage in the exotic Amazonian region of Putumayo, Colombia called the “eyebrow of the Amazon,” where the Amazon meets the Andes Mountains. The focus of this gathering is to share knowledge and experiences … Read more
Congo: Hope for All Ecovillage Ecovillage Design Education Courses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Espoir Pour Tous/Hope For All Ecovillage – “When we work with communities, we help them identify their problems and give them tools to strategize solutions and adopt projects based on concrete solutions. We are solving problems and changing lives.” … Read more
ICSA Conference 2016 in Tamera “Community Approaches Towards Inner and Outer Peace”
ICSA Conference 2016 in Tamera Ecovillage (Portugal) July 1st-3rd, 2016 From July 1st-3rd, 2016, the International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) Conference will take place in the peace research community center in the Tamera Healing Biotope Ecovillage in southern Portugal. This year’s theme is “Community approaches towards inner and outer peace.” ICSA was formed in 1985 during an international conference held at Yad Tabenkin, the Research and Documentation Centre of the Kibbutz … Read more
Curso EVS en Suderbyn
Del 7 al 13 de mayo asistí al curso sobre voluntariado con el Programa Erasmus (EVS) en la Comunidad de Suderbyn en Suecia, como representante junto con Neus de Los Portales y Fanny de Arterra de la Red Ibérica de Ecoaldeas. Estoy a vuestra disposición para contestar a vuestras dudas sobre el programa de voluntariado. En el próximo Encuentro RIE, voy a proponer que haya un taller sobre el programa para solventar dudas y trabajar en equipo. Mi evaluación en general del curso es muy positiva, … Read more
Curso EVS en Suderbun
Del 7 al 13 de mayo asistí al curso sobre voluntariado con el Programa Erasmus (EVS) en la Comunidad de Suderbyn en Suecia, como representante junto con Neus de Los Portales y Fanny de Arterra de la Red Ibérica de Ecoaldeas. Estoy a vuestra disposición para contestar a vuestras dudas sobre el programa de voluntariado. En el próximo Encuentro RIE, voy a proponer que haya un taller sobre el programa para solventar dudas y trabajar en equipo. Mi evaluación en general del curso es muy positiva, … Read more
talleres troncales
Hola a todos, Hace unos dias intenté escribir el mensaje que ya os he enviado por mail a través de la web pero no podía acceder y no por mi sino porque al entrar en la página me daba error. Aclarado esto, por si faltaba alguien en los mails, recordaros desde el equipo de formación y eventos que deberíais escribirnos a Mabel o a mi para pasarnos vuestras propuestas de talleres troncales para poder hacer un borrador del programa. Gracias a todos Un saludo Cristina [email protected] … Read more