Join us for the 2nd annual Youth Ecovillage Summit North America! October 8-11, 2015. Communitarians, students, sustainability enthusiasts, and anyone seeking to live a more connected and conscious life, come and join us! This year’s gathering will be held at Earthaven Ecovillage, a community of eighty residents living close to the land in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. Over three days we will immerse ourselves in community life at Earthaven, sharing meals and … Read more
New Threats Against the Peace Community San José de Apartadó / Colombia
In 1997, more than 1000 farmers and refugees declared themselves as neutral in the conflict between the Guerilla army and the Paramilitary. They formed the Peace Community, giving themselves guidelines of non-violence and trying to protect each other from being expelled from their remote parishes and farms. In the following years, more than 200 of them were killed brutally in the merciless fights for land, strategic advantage and resources in that region. But still they stayed together and … Read more
In the Heart of Palestine The First EDE Course in Palestine: Sustainability
From18-27 November and 03-12 December 2015, Global Campus Palestine together with The Holy Land Trust, will be offering a 128 hour EDE Course. The aim is to train Palestinians to become knowledge carriers for sustainability: to inspire and support young Palestinians and community leaders to implement resilient solutions as an answer to the occupation. It is the first Ecovillage Design Education in Palestine. The idea is to provide an excellent standard of education, certified by GAIA … Read more
Global Campus 2015 in Tamera: On the Way to Form a Global Community
During the GEN summit, GEN International and Global Campus became partners. In this report, Leila Dregger shares about the last Global Campus gathering from July 18th to August 15th, where 30 members and representatives of the base stations of the Global Campus met in Tamera, Portugal, studying and sharing peace knowledge, exploring new skills and experiencing community. While the global crisis threatening their home regions every day remained to be in our focus, they lived in the Solar … Read more
No One Leaves Home The tragedy of refugees.
No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark you only run for the border when you see the whole city running as well your neighbors running faster than you breath bloody in their throats the boy you went to school with who kissed you dizzy behind the old tin factory is holding a gun bigger than his body you only leave home when home won’t let you stay. no one leaves home unless home chases you fire under feet hot blood in your belly it’s not something you ever thought of … Read more
Walking for Water in California The Way of a Pilgrim
Walking Water is a journey of exploration and co-creation from the source of the water in the magnificent Sierra Nevada mountains near Mono Lake, to the place of end use around 560km away in the Greater Los Angeles Area, which is home to some 18 million souls. As a pilgrim I discover the mystery, the magic, the meaning and the magnificence of life, in every step I take, in every sound I hear and in every sight I see. Satish Kumar, spiritual and ecological activist. It seems especially … Read more
propuesta partenariado sociocracia
HOla compas, Esta pendiente el ver si queremos participar o no en un proyecto sobre sociocracia. Seria ir a Sieben Linden a formarse con Nicoletta . 3 eventos de los que todavia no tengo las fechas, siempre las mismas personas, en Ingles u Aleman. Si hay personas interesadas, ademas de RIkki, necesito una respuesta ràpida. Si no hay suficientes personas interesadas, pues lo dejamos porque el compromiso es acudir las mismas a los 3 eventos y eso no es negociable! Estoy en espera de tener … Read more
Refugee Aid by Eco Villages – The Journey of a Refugee from Syria, Part 1
Wars, climate change, economic and injustice have made millions of people refugees. Thousands of them die, stranded on the borders of Europe or the United States. Eco villages are, as it has now been said on the GEN summit in Dakar again, especially for young people an alternative to migration. But Eco villages of the North can help directly, can provide a new opportunity to refugees. This is the story of Fayez Karimeh from Syria - similar experiences are currently refugees in various Eco … Read more
Tesorería y Asamblea
En la Asamblea del miércoles en Arterra me gustaría que se hablara de como quedan las diferentes partidas de gastos del presupuesto de 2015, pues según los emails que he recibido hay variaciones con respecto a lo que se aprobó en la Asamblea en Amalurra. Para la Asamblea del domingo, si vamos aprobar actividades para el 2016, convenía primero aprobar el presupuesto estimado para 2016, para que hubiera una visión global de los gastos y una coherencia entre las diferentes partidas. … Read more
Los guindales no estará presente al encuentro de Arterra
Hola compañer@s, siento comunicar que Loris, Jara y Estrella de Los Guindales no podremos ir al encuentro de verano de RIE. El verano pasado no iba a poder ir y al final sí he podido, este año me ha occurido lo contrario. He tomado esta decisión en último momento por tres razones principales: - Estoy realizando una obra cerca de mi casa, estamos en un momento muy delicado como grupo y en cuanto a su realización. Se precisa mi presencia aquí ya que las lluvias se acercan y hay temas … Read more