We are the 280 participants of the Global Ecovillage Network GEN+20 Summit. From 5 continents and 50 countries, we are all engaged in building ecovillages: resilient communities that are models for sustainability and autonomy throughout the world. With concern, compassion and anger we witness the situation in Greece; families who cannot feed their children, unemployed youth, impoverished retired people, hospitals without medicine and countless homeless people… none of whom are responsible … Read more
A Letter from Greece Taking Action in Times of Crisis
Skala Ecovillage is becoming a place of hope for people who are working on a perspective in the middle of the chaos. Anna Fillipou reports about the situation in the country. «Nothing is like before» one of the signs of May ’68 seems to be written for Greece also today. The questions that everybody, who follows what is happening in Greece the last days are: “Was it really necessary this humiliation of the Greeks?", or as, Mat O'Bryan from Washington Post says: "Germany doesn't want to save … Read more
Siddharth Village: Spark of Change EDE Odisha, February 2015
An eco-village in India, at the turn of the local traditions and the new eco-friendly philosophy Siddharth Village was established in 1986. The center of the community is located 25 km from Bhubaneswar, the capital of the region of Orissa in eastern India. 14 people living there, often surrounded by volunteers who stay for short or long periods . Over the years, the headquarters were born elsewhere across India. Thanks to the industriousness of its founders, today Siddharth village is … Read more
Not in our name! German austerity policy for southern Europe
Or: go on holidays in Greece, Mrs. Merkel! Open letter to the German Government We, the German participants of the international GEN+20 Conference, distance ourselves from your policies. The Global Ecovillage Network unites more then 10.000 villages and communities of all continents. In Germany there is a growing network of ecovillages, communities and transition towns. In cooperation with people and organizations from many countries we generate knowledge and expertise for the regeneration … Read more
We are all Greece! A Declaration of Action and Solidarity
We are 280 participants of the GEN+20 Summit (Global Ecovillage Network), from five continents and 50 countries, working and engaging ourselves in building resilient communities, ecovillages, models for sustainability and autonomy throughout the world. With concern, compassion and anger we witness the situation in Greece; families who cannot feed their children anymore, unemployed youth, impoverished retired people, hospitals without medicine and countless homeless people , all of whom are … Read more
Sala RIE
Hola Todos, Os recuerdo que queremos montar la Sala RIE durante el encuentro para poder tener un espacio dedicado a nuestros proyectos y fomentar el contacto entre el público y nosotros. Para ello necesitamos vuestra COLABORACION o el espacio quedará algo pobre. Copio abajo el texto de la carta que envié hace más de un mes. Necesitamos que empiezan a enviar el formulario rellenado y las fotos que hemos pedido para que no se acumula el trabajo a última hora... El idea es incluir: … Read more
Erasmus + K2 Partenariado.
BUeno compas, el parteniarado a 10 bandas, este año si HA SALIDO!!! Estoy contenta despues de tantas horas y reuniones y de todo, nuestra Incubadora va creciendo y se extiende... Lo hablamos en el Encuentro, pero queria compartirlo. La Rie ha conseguido meterse ahi, y posiblemente nos resulte mas sencillo optar a otras cosas. Somos 10 paises, asi que dineros pocos, trabajo mucho...pero motivador! Despues del premio que le han dado a la Incubadora: Gaia TRust, ahora esto... que bueno! mauge … Read more
Ecovillage Summit in Dakar, Senegal Results, Challenges, and Consequences
Update - GES Reports The Official Reports from the GES Summit are now available - read them here: GES Report - Supporting Documents Transition 2 Resilience - Participant Reports Fundraising & Program Development GES GEN-Africa General Assembly The Senegalese Ecovillage Network: The Past, Present and Future GEN Ecovillage Transition Strategy 2015 - 2020 From December 10-14, 120 people from 40 countries met for the first International Ecovillage Summit in … Read more
From Apartheid to Ecovillages TEDx - Findhorn by Kosha Joubert
In this 17 min TEDx Findhorn talk Kosha Anja Joubert reminds us of the future we dream of and how people all across the globe are building it now, following their inner values, focussing on life as a whole and rebuilding the connections that have been broken. We can regenerate the soil, replenish depleted water tables and reconnect in community. We can do this and so much more when we come together and marry our love for the planet with our need to make a living. We can serve life. This is … Read more
From Apartheid to Ecovillages TEDx - Findhorn by Kosha Joubert
In this 17 min TEDx Findhorn talk Kosha Anja Joubert reminds us of the future we dream of and how people all across the globe are building it now, following their inner values, focussing on life as a whole and rebuilding the connections that have been broken. We can regenerate the soil, replenish depleted water tables and reconnect in community. We can do this and so much more when we come together and marry our love for the planet with our need to make a living. We can serve life. This is … Read more