Connect with ecovillages.
114 countries have ecovillage communities: no matter where you are, you can find a community of kindred spirits and a true sense of place.
If you haven’t yet seen it, feel free to browse our ecovillage project database, with information on more than 1,000 communities worldwide.
This information is published by the communities themselves, and, though we try our best, it is not always up-to-date or complete. Many amazing projects do not have websites in English, or at all. So if you are traveling, moving to a new area, or contemplating a move, and want a comprehensive overview on ecovillages, ecotourism, and related projects there, why not set up a call with one of our in-country affiliates? We’ll introduce you to our networks and help you develop a sense of community and belonging from your first day there.
Benefits include:
- Saving countless hours of online searching
- Gaining a unique insider perspective into cutting-edge sustainability projects
- Starting meaningful peer-to-peer connections before you even set foot on the ground
- Verifying the current status and best way to engage with projects you’ve found
- Learning about best practices and travel etiquette for visiting ecovillages
- Making your travel plans with peace of mind – and excitement!
Take the next step!
Reflect on your goals
Start off by thinking about what types of organizations and communities you’re interested in engaging with during your visit, and what you hope to gain from the connection. Not sure yet? We can help you to clarify your vision and purpose.
Get started with us
Book a 30-minute introductory call to learn more about how we can work together and get you connected.
Explore the database
Check out that ecovillage project database if you haven’t already. If there are few or no projects listed for the area you plan to visit, contact us anyway as we may be aware of additional relevant networks not listed.

Examples of our work
Explore the possibilities
Browse case studies of our work to understand how our consultants could support your plans.
We have a range of packages for different levels of engagement; most people who want to connect with ecovillages select our introductory package for £200.
Meet a few of our consultants, who are based all over the world with a wide variety of expertise and networking connections.
See our consultancy services in every Area of Regeneration – social, cultural, ecological, economic, and integral design.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about GEN Consultancy
For general information about GEN, please see our GEN FAQs.
Can GEN Consultancy help me?
If you’d like to bring ecovillage elements or themes into your project - whatever it is - or to increase your project’s social, cultural, ecological, or economic resilience, we can certainly help!
What help can I get?
Please read more about our services and see examples of our work for specific information.
Who will I work with?
After your initial call with our Consultancy team, we will determine the best consultant for your project based on your location and needs. Please see a list of our current consultants here.
How much does it cost?
Please see our list of services for a general idea of our pricing. Our team will develop a customized package and quote for your circumstances.
Why do I have to pay for an initial consultation?
GEN is a nonprofit with limited funding available. Offering a donation in exchange for the initial call covers the staff time needed to prepare and talk with you, without reducing funding for our other activities. This donation is then discounted from your consultancy fee should you decide to go ahead with purchasing consultancy services.
Why does GEN charge for its services?
While GEN delivers consultancy as part of our work to spread ecovillage concepts, it also brings an important income for GEN to allow us to do our other work, and this is why we charge for our services. However, we tailor everything we do to individual cases and we can also sometimes work together on project funding, so please get in touch anyway if the fees seem out of reach.
Why GEN – why should I select GEN Consultancy and your services?
Our consultants have specialized skills and knowledge within integral design frameworks, and years of experience living in and building ecovillage communities, so you can be ensured that each piece of advice is given with the synergy of social, cultural, ecological, and economic systems in mind. Each has extensive experience in facilitating workshops for diverse audiences from politicians to village residents, and in bringing diverse audiences together. Working with GEN supports a good cause as part of the consulting income covers our nonprofit activities and supports grassroots efforts led by the Regional networks. As you invest in your project, you invest in the future of ecovillages worldwide!
Ready to start?
Book a 30-minute introductory call to learn more about how we can work together.