HOla chic@s,
desde el GEN-Europa ha llegado el siguiente mensaje diciéndonos que hay 2.000 euros para actividades de miembros de pleno derecho, entre otras celebración de encuentros de Redes Nacionales (como la RIE). Hay hasta 400 euros para ello y tal vez se podrían utilizar para sufragar parte de los gastos de viaje para el encuentro de Tamera. Tenemos de plazo hasta el 30 de septiembre. ¿Lo pedimos? Yo me encargaría.
Un abrazo, ulises
Dear friends,
in Keuruu we decided to allocate 2400 Euro for supporting members activities (400 of these have already been given to the Hungarian National Network to support their national meeting). So, now we have 2000 Euro to spend and I invite you to write to the office with your proposals before September 30. Then the council will decide how to distribute the money.
Criteria for the allocation of GEN-Europe funding to members:
To make it easier and more transparent, the GEN-Europe Council decided on some core criteria for funding proposals. Only full members are eligible to apply. GEN-Europe offers financial support for:
National Network Meetings (maximum of 400 €)
Educational and Conference activities (maximum of 400 €)
other projects that contribute to the vision of GEN
The criteria are:
1.Proposed activities should be part of the sustainable activities and vision of GEN-Europe
2.Priority to those with least spending power
3.Geographical spread
Administrative criteria:
1.Simple written application to GEN-Europe office.
2.We need the address of your bank;
3.IBAN and BIC/Swift code is necessary to safe transfer costs!
4.Reporting compulsory (written and with pictures, and invoices!)
5.No 100 % funding
I am looking forward to receive your proposals!
In community,