Celebrating with you the first Ecovillage Design Education LIVE Online Programme – according to the Gaia Education curriculum – which turned out to be a great success. The next offering will start on 12 March 2022, running on Saturdays for 4.5 months.
Coordinated and facilitated by two experienced EDE trainers: Taisa Mattos and Macaco Tamerice, with well-known guest trainers from the Ecovillage Movement, from 14 different countries, including some of the GEESE, such as: Kosha Joubert, May East, Albert Bates, Daniel Christian Wahl, John Croft, Daniel Greenberg, Ross Jackson, Ina Meyer-Stoll, Achim Ecker, Sarah Queblatin, Anna Kovasna, Andre Soares, and Mugove Nyika.

“Feeling overwhelmed with admiration and respect for everyone in the EDE Team. The collective wisdom is truly incredible. Macaco and Taisa have completely exceeded my expectations as they are wonderful facilitators and great teachers, possibly the best teachers I have ever encountered. The course structure is perfect! Everything about the course is just perfect, its quite amazing what we can do online.” – EDE participant
Kickstarted by an open Ecovillage Introduction with Macaco & Taisa with more than 300 people registered, the first online EDE was born by a partnership between Taisa Mattos, representing Conecta Ecossocial and Macaco Tamerice, representing Damanhur Education, and GEN International providing the Online Learning Platform and technical assistance.
The group was composed of 70 participants from all over the world, including very diverse backgrounds and extreme timezones. The oldest one was 72 years old and the youngest one 21.
“One of my favorite online courses so far and I feel as if we’re truly in the same room with our facilitators at times….. even though we are so far from one another spread across the world.” – EDE participant

The content of the 4 months long course was taught weekly, With 3.5 hour long live sessions every Saturday and also a few Sundays with a deeper integration and implementation of the course content within the self-organized design groups that formed at the beginning of the course. They met for 2-3 hours every week to dream into and co-create their unique projects.
Key success factors were the synergy between the core facilitators, the good tech support team, the quality of guest facilitators and, of course, the very lively and committed engagement of the group!
“I am feeling very inspired and nourished by all the knowledge and the wonderful community. Even before the end of this course I can say, I learned and will remember more of what I learned than in 4 years of university studies. The world truly needs a big change in the way we learn.” – EDE participant

Future Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) Offerings
If you are inspired by our first online EDE and interested in future offerings and the second EDE – according to the Gaia Education curriculum – to be launched in March 2022, let us know and we will be in touch when the next cohort is available.
Additionally if you are interested in the projects of the EDE design groups, keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn pages where they will be shared soon!
Oi Gabriel
Sou brasileira tb . moro atualmente na Australia.
recentemente recebi de heranca um bocado de terra.
mais de 70 hectares.
quero fazer uma ecovillage.
vcs poderiam me ajudar
Hola Marta,
Espero que tenhas conseguido uma resposta, há muito movimento
a acontecer ! É uma óptima notícia saber disso, contacta os líderes aborígenes locais, eles têm muita sabedoria e vão te ajudar no entretanto. O caminho faz-se ao andar, recomendo aprender Comunicação Não Violenta e comprar o curso de ecoaldea design
e outros recursos da GEN, grande abraço e que a força da Floresta te abençoe e acompanhe 😉