Dear friends of ecovillages,
The past year has seen global developments that could not have been foreseen even just one year ago. Who would have thought that the majority of people in Great Britain would have voted to leave the European Community, for example; or that Donald Trump would have a chance to become President of the United States? However, despite the depressing news, we are also witnessing strong movements gaining momentum globally. One of those is the ecovillage movement.
With this newsletter we want to take a reflective look back at 2016, to see, feel and understand what we, as the Global Ecovillage Network, have achieved; where we were challenged and where we are in the development of a global movement for ecological and social regeneration and healing. It is fascinating to read how the regions have developed.
We have demonstrated and lived Ecovillage principles and practices for many years now; witnessing the growing interest in communities and ecovillages as more and more people on the ground want to be part of a community, want to connect to the movement.
Now it seems increasingly that official and leading entities such as governments and global organisations are becoming aware that ecovillages may be a strategy that will support the common goals: restoring the climate, fighting poverty, restoring nature, saving resources and educating the younger generation in the skills mostly needed for the future.
Each one of these goals is supported by the core values of GEN: creating a field of community, of mutual trust and shared responsibility. Community on all levels: with neighbors, in the villages and cities, among co-operation partners and global allies. The Global Ecovillage Network is based upon this experience of community… of common unity, and it is being practiced and trained in each of the ecovillages, initiatives and communities that form GEN.
It is time to look back and say thank you to all who are part of this network, all the volunteers and professionals, all the community members, helpers and activists who have dedicated so much effort, time and love for its development; and to look forward to this dedication bearing fruit for many generations to come.
In community!
Leila Dregger, Kosha Anja Joubert
Editor: Jenefer Bell