Hola amig@s de la RIE,
les paso el siguiente correo de Ulrike. Hay más de 1.000 euros a disposición de los miembros del GEN-Europe para gastos en actividades para el año que viene. Como RIE podemos pedir hasta 400 euros. ¿Alguien tiene una idea?
Saludos, ulises
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
De: Ulrike Schimmel
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 15.40/15] [GEN-E Announcements] funding for members activities – results
Dear friends,
in this application round there have been 5 applicants from 4 members. All of them get funded – the total requested was less than what we have! Therefore, we will have another round of applications early next year when many of us will be thinking about projects for the summer.
These are the successful applicants and their projects:
Mouvement des Oasis en tous lieux
Conference/meeting in May 2011 to help ecovillage initiative and projects
Visit to Findhorn EDE and Bioneers conference
Conference of the International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) in 2013: Communal Pathways to Sustainable Living: Past, Present and Future
creation of educational aspects for visitors through four projects, 4 EVS volunteers
Policy Development meeting and touring communities
With a total of 1560 Euro being spent on these projects, in Spring we will have another round for the remaining 1100 Euro.
In community,
Dear friends,
during our meeting in Damanhur the General Assembly has decided that also this year there will be some money allocated for funding member’s activities, 2700 Euro in total.
Please apply before October 25 – just write an email to me.
To make it easier and more transparent, the GEN-Europe Council decided on some core criteria for funding proposals. Only full members are eligible to apply. GEN-Europe offers financial support for:
· National Network Meetings (maximum of 400 €)
· Educational and Conference activities (maximum of 400 €)
· Newsletters
· other projects that contribute to the vision of GEN
The criteria are:
1. Proposed activities should be part of the sustainable activities and vision of GEN-Europe
2. Priority to those with least spending power
3. Geographical spread
Administrative criteria:
1. Simple written application to GEN-Europe office. [email protected]
2. We need the address of your bank;
3. IBAN and BIC/Swift code is necessary to safe transfer costs!
4. Reporting compulsory (written and with pictures, and invoices!)
5. No 100 % funding
Really looking forward to hearing about your projects!
In community,