The annual GEN Europe Conference is more than a meeting place for GEN Europe members. As the ecovillage movement is merging with other movements for decentralized solutions and applied sustainability – such as Permaculture or Transition Towns – it is a place where the most interesting developments are shared, discussed, further developed, and presented to an interested public, to community seekers, founders, and change makers of all kinds.
You are warmly invited to join us and get an updated and personal connection to what is happening throughout the European and Global networks of GEN at this time. GEN-movements are breathing and unfolding all over the world – and from all regions of Europe and all continents, activists will be coming to join and inspire us.
Ecovillages act as research, training centres and best practice incubators for sustainable development within wider society.
Alongside the abundance of networking opportunities and the flow of inspiration within and between participants, the hosting ecovillage of ZEGG will serve as a living example, and field of practice, for the themes of this year’s conference.
This year we will focus on strengthening the bonds between the national and local networks as well as reaching out to the Global South in mutual support. Among other interesting presenters we are proud to welcome Anna Breytenbach, the “Animal Whisperer” from South Africa.
Experienced members from long-term communities will share and support your process in founding or strengthening your community initiative. We will look into the transition of traditional villages and urban neighbourhoods into living communities, and much, much more!
We will be focusing on the following:
– European scope of GEN in an international context
Meeting engaged GEN-networkers and learning about best practice examples from all over Europe, and also including the wider Network of GEN-Africa, GENOA (Asia and Oceania), CASA (South America), ENNA (North America) and the Middle East.
– North-South Dialogue:
What can the northern hemisphere contribute to a fair world? Let’s develop tools for a healthy and sustainable flow of resources.
– Earth rights:
Treating the earth as unique being and giving it full legal status is the goal of a European Citizen’s Initiative supported by GEN. Learn more about it and how you can support this important and necessary step.
Alternative Schooling:
– How can Ecovillages and intentional communities support sustainable learning for their children? We will explore how alternative schools can lead to the change we want to see in the world.
– Animal Whispering:
How can we deepen our connection to all the life on earth? This time we want to focus on our animal friends and learn new ways to communicate with them.
– Developing Visions:
Visionquests are a ancient shamanic way to unfold our deepest potential. Let’s learn more about this amazing technique.
– Alternative Technologies:
Hands-on experience and the theoretical background to innovative technologies that make a real difference.
In addition to these very interesting topics, communities from all over Europe and other continents will present their latest projects and experiences. Meet changemakers and pioneers from different fields and be inspired by their new approaches to the challenges of our time.
This year we will be hosted by one of the oldest intentional communities in Germany. ZEGG (Centre for Experimental Creation of Society), near Berlin is beautifully located in a nature reserve. ZEGG intentional community hosts about 100 people. They focus on the ecological and social aspects of living together in a future-oriented way. Please read more here.
Please sign up for the conference on our website at…
If you belong to a member community and want to present at the conference, please get in touch with us before April 1st.
We are very much looking forward to meeting you!!