Please join forces with the community of Farkha in occupied Palestine. Farkha became the first Ecovillage in Palestine and joined the GEN movement last year. From July 23 – 30 the community is holding the 23rd international Summer Festival. Locals and internationals will come together for one week of voluntary working on the solutions needed to create a sustainable regenerative village under the conditions of occupation. The week is dedicated to improve the livelihood of the village that has been working on creating an alternative model, and inviting the international community to have an intimate insight to the Palestinian culture.
Aida Shibli and Dr Frederick Weihe from the Global Campus Palestine team, and co-workers of the Tamera community will be holding a week within the festival for ecological interventions on the land. They wish to invite a group of 15-20 internationals from within the GEN community who want to help Farkha with their next steps of becoming an ecovillage. They invite experts, volunteers and hope-carriers to join this group. Aida says: “We will also visit the Sumud Freedom Camp to join their activities.”
The trip and expenses are all self sponsored. For more details please write directly to Aida Shibli: [email protected]