Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught up in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.
Martin Luther King
“Trauma lingers in our body systems from all those moments when something happens that is too painful or fearful for us to integrate. Animals seem to have an easier time simply shaking off the energy of shock and stress – we see ducks naturally shaking themselves to let go of accumulated adrenaline after fierce encounters with other ducks. Unfortunately perhaps, we humans are more able to hide and internalise stress, and we end up carrying within our bodies not only the trauma from experiences in our individual lives, but also the historic trauma from generations that went before.
The cruelty and terror that accompany wars, colonialism, slavery, rape – all of these have left deep scars within the tissue of humanity which are passed on from generation to generation. When we meet in our communities and global networks, and when we start to develop trust, honesty and intimacy with one another, these scar tissues find enough safety to show up. We may experience this as a move from unconscious numbness to acute discomfort. By nature, it is painful and frightening. Our patterns of self-defense are likely to be triggered. The feelings hidden within the wounds we carry were overwhelming at the time, and they might still feel overwhelming when we touch them again now. Yet, they come up for healing.
In my years of living in community, and reaching out to community leaders around the world, I have seen our trauma responses rise to the surface and shape our relationships again and again. We have something to learn and refine here! We can learn to recognise trauma in ourselves and others. We can learn to self-regulate trauma so that it does not become overwhelming. We can learn to hold space consciously so that healing can actually take place.
Trauma is frozen life force – in order to melt back into the river of life it needs the compassionate witnessing presence of the other. Ubuntu – I am because you are. The Trauma Transformation in Community Training teaches some of the skills we need.”
– Kosha Joubert
“At the beginning of my professional life as a trauma therapist, I realized that human connections are one of our strongest healing resources and, at the same time, the channel through which we may suffer our most traumatizing experiences. The trauma inflicted by one human being onto another is the most difficult to heal. Today, after years of working in this field, a deep yearning keeps growing to develop methods which include our closer communities and larger social networks as part of the healing process.
After coming into contact with the teachings and community of Thomas Hübl, I received many powerful insights around the creation of healthy cultural patterns. It is in this context where, some years ago, Kosha and I met, and started this deeper exploration and collaboration. We are currently part of the assistants/mentors team of the Pocket Project – for research, education, and creation of local pockets and large group events for the transformation of collective trauma. Our aim of collaborating in this new this training is to share and spread the essential principles of healing trauma in community and to provide effective skills which stem from our personal training and experience.”
– Giselle Charbonnier
In this training you will learn skills for recognition, healing and prevention of trauma within the safe space of a supportive community
You will also gain:
- a capacity for self-regulation through an understanding of neuroscience
- an experience of emotions as fields of connection and inspired action
- trust and compassion through inner reconciliation and conflict resolution practices
- relational awareness through the practice of transparent communication
- hope for a future based on renewed sensitivity, joy and mutual care.
With the inspiration from the Pocket Project in our backs, and the weaving together of a trauma therapy skill set (Giselle Charbonnier) and a community building skill set (Kosha Joubert), we invite you to join us on this journey

CEO Global Ecovillage Network, Consultant, Facilitator, Trainer, Negotiator
Intercultural Communication & Relations, Community Building & Transparent Communication
Member of Thomas Hübl’s Core Group & Mentoring Team
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Family Constellations Facilitator
Alexander Technique Teacher, Transpersonal Psychology & Social Trauma Consultant
Member of Thomas Hübl’s Core Group & Mentoring Team
Starting time: June 23nd, 9:30 / End: June 27th,16:00
Venue: Newbold House – 111 St Leonards Road, Forres
Workshop fee*: £350 / Concessions: £200 / *does not include food and accommodation
Food and Accommodation: June 22 – 27, £400, June 22 – 28, £456 (please let Nebold House know how long you wish to stay)
Food only (non residential participants): June 23 – 27, £230
Contact: [email protected]
A limited number of bursaries are available, primarily for participants from the Global South. If you wish to apply for a bursary, please write directly to [email protected]
To register and book, please fill in the registration form, and contact Newbold House through [email protected] or +44 (0)1309 672 659. Your booking will not be complete unless you contact and confirm it with Newbold House.
Course Contents
‣ Community building skills – sharing of life stories
‣ Personal, Intergenerational and CollectiveTrauma
‣ Introduction to Psychophysiological and Neurobiological Research
‣ Community as resource – Global Ecovillage Network
‣ Personal and communal sources of resilience
‣ Transparent Communication
‣ Trauma recognition in myself and in others
‣ Trauma self-regulation: skills for influencing our nervous systems
‣ Trauma co-regulation: hosting and healing trauma together
‣ Collective Agreements and Cultural Shadows
‣ Practice of presencing and healing trauma in community
‣ Reconciliation and Restoration
‣ Art, Celebration, and Rituals: Culture as Resource
By signing up to this course, you accept and agree to the following terms and conditions:
A. Cancellation by participants
1. All cancellations must be made in writing to [email protected].
2. Cancellations due to an unsuccessful visa application are not eligible for a refund.
3. If you have to cancel your participation in the training, you are welcome to nominate someone to take your place. In case you cannot find a replacement, the following rules apply:
- If you cancel within 2 weeks of receiving your course confirmation – We will refund the full amount you paid (unless cancellation period falls within 4 weeks of the start of the programme, in which case not refundable)
- If you cancel more than 8 weeks before the beginning of the course – We change a £100 administrative fee, and refund the rest of what you paid
- If you cancel 8 weeks or less before the beginning of the course – We change 50% of what you paid, and refund you the rest
- If you do not show up to the course or leave early – We charge 100% of what you paid
B. Cancellation by the organisers
In case the whole training is cancelled by the organisers, you will receive back 100% of the course fee, cost of food, and accomodation fees paid
C. Disclaimer
1. The topics and processes of the training are not intended to diagnose and treat medical and mental illness. In such cases, it is the personal responsibility of the participant to seek a competent and suitably trained physician, psychologist, alternative practitioner or therapist.
2. Participants and users agree to inform the organiser before the beginning of the training if they are undergoing psychotherapeutic or psychiatric treatment and / or taking psychotropic drugs.
3. All information included in any of our publicity is correct at time of going to press, and is subject to change. Whilst every effort is made to provide the workshop and services as advertised, we do not accept liability for:
- Cancellations or changes caused by unavailability of staff, low bookings, weather conditions, maintenance work, acts of God, acts of Government or any other authorities, or any situations beyond our control or subsequent to participation in one of our programmes.
- Participants’ medical or psychiatric conditions which may exist or which may arise during or subsequent to participation in one of our programmes.
- Loss of, or damage to, personal property of participants.
4. We reserve the right to refuse admission to our programmes if, on arrival, participation appears to be inappropriate. We also reserve the right to ask any participant to leave if their behaviour is disruptive to training or the function of Newbold Trust, or interferes with the rights of others. In the final instance, all matters arising from a dispute are subject to Scottish law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.