Come together locally, cultivate abundance, grow your own food without chemicals, share and exchange with your neighbors, generate income with the surplus, save the seeds, recycle your waste and make compost, learn to treat water as a living being, cook with solar energy (or biogas), plant trees, build sustainable models, and join the global food revolution. Philip Munyasia – Kitale, Kenya … Read more
Oceania & Asia
Ecovillages and Food Sovereignty Results of the Survey
17 projects took the time to answer the questions on food sovereignty. The answers came from the USA, from Africa, from Asia and Europe. Thank you all very much. Of course this survey can never be representative in a scientific way, but it helps us to have an overview on the state and intention of the ecovillages on growing their own food. All of the projects that answered, grow their own food, even those with less than 2 hectares. Four of them produce so much food that they can sell it … Read more
Ecovillage in the Philippines: Fasting for the Climate
One of the biggest contributors to the global use of fossil fuels is food production. Each calorie of processed food requires an average of 10 calories of fossil fuels to produce, process, package, and transport goods from the farms and factories, all the way to the shops and dining tables of the world. Bahay Kalipay and Maia Earth Village in Palawan, Philippines invite intentional communities and ecovillages, to join the Global ‘FastfortheClimate’ movement. Sarah Queblatin and Pi … Read more
Ecovillage in China The Current Situation of the Second Home of Lifechanyuan
Last year, GEN started a campaign to protect the largest ecovillage in China, Lifechanyuan. But the authorities were stronger still. On April 1st 2014, the last two Chanyuan celestials withdrew from Yunnan, which means that the three branches of the Second Home of Lifechanyuan located in Anning, Chuxiong, and Lincang city have ended their development. The new place of the ecovillage is in the Gobi desert, 5000 km from their original location. With immense courage they start to apply permaculture … Read more
GEN Europe Conference July 9 - 13, 2014, in ZEGG, Germany
The annual GEN Europe Conference is more than a meeting place for GEN Europe members. As the ecovillage movement is merging with other movements for decentralized solutions and applied sustainability - such as Permaculture or Transition Towns - it is a place where the most interesting developments are shared, discussed, further developed, and presented to an interested public, to community seekers, founders, and change makers of all kinds. You are warmly invited to join us and get an updated … Read more
Thailand I Want to Be a Fertile Seed
Om Sunisa Jamwiset, 34, from Thailand speaks about her path in developing her full potential as a woman and an activist. I was born in a small village in Nong Khai Province, by the Thai-Lao border, in Northeastern Thailand. My village was very beautiful. It was like an island, surrounded by water. I used to play a lot in nature with other kids. When I was about 11-12 years old things started to change. Concrete roads were laid on our playground. Big trees along the river where we used to … Read more
Gentle Power Thoughts on a New Women’s Movement Based on Communities
Worldwide women are struggling for power and emancipation. For a world in which women can take their place without positioning themselves either above, or below, the man; without fighting or having to imitate him. A culture of partnership where the genders, as equally strong poles, complement and love each other. A world in which violence against women can no longer happen. One in which women can come together and cooperate for the well being of all creatures on this planet – and for a new love … Read more
GENTLE POWER – Thoughts on a New Women’s Movement Based on Communities
Worldwide women are struggling for power and emancipation. For a world in which women can take their place without positioning themselves either above, or below, the man; without fighting or having to imitate him. A culture of partnership where the genders, as equally strong poles, complement and love each other. A world in which violence against women can no longer happen. One in which women can come together and cooperate for the well being of all creatures on this planet – and for a new love … Read more
Baja de Ulises Libre como colaborador de la RIE
Escrito dirigido a la reunión de invierno de 2014 de la RIE Asunto: Renuncia de Ulises Libre a solicitar su admisión como miembro permanente. Todo lo que digo son solo opiniones personales basadas en un relación muy superficial con la RIE, por lo tanto no tienen apenas fundamento. Aún así, prefiero arriesgarme. Me siento muy agradecido porque he aprendido gracias a vosotras algunas cuestiones importantes sobre mi, pero también hay cosas de nuestra relación que no me han gustado. Os … Read more
Permaculture Aid Yolanda Permaculture aid Yolanda for disaster support in the philippines
How many times have we seen images of refugee camps worldwide with people being forced by wars, or other disasters, to live together under harsh and unbearable circumstances? Sometimes this situation can last over years, and even decades. An increasing number of people in the GEN movement feel that ecovillage processes and practices can contribute a great deal in these situations. A prime example being in communities that are forced to come together out of traumatic or disaster situations often … Read more