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Blog posts
Strengthening Communities: Connecting Ecology and Generational Resilience with Alfusainey Sey from People’s Coast Ecovillage Network
IntroductionWelcome back to Community Resilience, a podcast created in collaboration with the Ecovillage Resilience 2.5 Degree Project, facilitated by the Global Ecovillage Network. I'm your host, Eva Goldfarb, inviting you to gather around the fire as we explore resilience, adaptation, and transformation in our time of deepening polycrisis. Meet Alfusainey Sey, a dynamic leader and passionate advocate for sustainable development. Trained in Permaculture Design and Ecovillage Development, … Read more
Regenerative Journey with Rob Wheeler from The Farm Ecovillage
IntroductionWelcome back to Community Resilience, a podcast created in collaboration with the Ecovillage Resilience 2.5 Degree Project, facilitated by the Global Ecovillage Network. I'm your host, Eva Goldfarb, inviting you to gather around the fire as we explore resilience adaptation and transformation in our time of deepening polycrisis. Today we speak to Rob Wheeler, the Ecovillage Resilience Project Partner for the Farm Ecovillage and Education Center in Tennessee, USA.In addition to his … Read more
Threads of Sustainability: Weaving an Interconnected Community with Tanya Mottl from Narara Ecovillage
IntroductionWelcome back to Community Resilience, a podcast created in collaboration with the EcoVillage Resilience 2.5 Degree Project, facilitated by the Global EcoVillage Network. I'm your host, Eva Goldfarb, inviting you to gather around the fire as we explore resilience, adaptation, and transformation in our time of deepening polycrisis. I'm thrilled to introduce Tanya Mottle, a passionate newcomer to the Ecovillage movement. Tanya's journey began after four years of surreptitiously … Read more
Rooted Resilience: Spiritual Harmony and Traditional Practices in Ecovillages
IntroductionToday, we have the honor of hosting two remarkable guests from Togo, whose dedication to community health, environmental conservation, and sustainable development serves as an inspiration to us all.Our first guest is Koto Koku Agbee. Koto is a state nurse trained at the National School of Medical Auxiliaries of Lomé , specializing in community health. His passion for nature and community development has led him to play a pivotal role in the management of natural resources - … Read more
Our Annual Report 2023 is here! How the Global Ecovillage Network is catalysing communities for a regenerative world
Welcome to the 2023 Annual Report of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN), where we embark on a journey through the vibrant tapestry of regenerative initiatives that shaped our network throughout 2023. As the landscape of sustainability continues to evolve, so too does our commitment to fostering a resilient and sustainable human presence on Earth. Within these pages, you'll find a mosaic of stories, achievements, and insights that illuminate the path we've traveled over the past year. From the … Read more
Celebrating Resilience & Launching Transformation | Mini Episode with Eva Goldfarb
Transcription: In this episode, we take a moment to step back from our usual in-depth storytelling and instead, marvel at the framework that has allowed us to observe the ongoing exploration of resilience, adaptation and transformation in a >+2.5 degrees global warming scenario.This June, more than 20 members of our Community of Practice, along with the project stewards, will gather for a reflective wrap-up and celebration of our accomplishments, marking the end of the Ecovillage Resilience … Read more
Cultivating Community: Reimagining Suburban Living with Robin Allison of EarthSong Eco-Neighbourhood
IntroductionWelcome back to Community Resilience, a podcast created in collaboration with the EcoVillage Resilience 2.5 Degree Project, facilitated by the Global EcoVillage Network. I'm your host, Eva Goldfarb, inviting you to gather around the fire as we explore resilience, adaptation, and transformation in our time of deepening polycrisis. Meet Robin, the visionary behind Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood, nestled in suburban Auckland, New Zealand. As the founder and development coordinator, … Read more
Building Bridges : The Ubuntu Center’s Journey to Empowerment with Margarita Zethelius
IntroductionWelcome back to Community Resilience, a podcast created in collaboration with the Ecovillage Resilience 2.5 Degree Project, facilitated by the Global Ecovillage Network. I'm your host, Eva Goldfarb, inviting you to gather around the fire as we explore resilience, adaptation, and transformation in our time of deepening polycrisis. Today, we travel to the Colombian Caribbean to speak with one of the pillars of our movement, Margarita Zethelias.Margarita is an activist, a creator of … Read more
From Decomposition to Regeneration: Cultivating a Collaborative Future with Bill Hartzell and Devon Kehler of Hundredfold Farm
IntroductionWelcome back to Community Resilience, a podcast created in collaboration with the EcoVillage Resilience 2.5 Degree Project, facilitated by the Global EcoVillage Network. I'm your host, Eva Goldfarb, inviting you to gather around the fire as we explore resilience, adaptation, and transformation in our time of deepening polycrisis. Bill Hartzell's initial venture into intentional community occurred when he became a resident of the Xanadu cooperative house at the University of … Read more
Co-creating a better future with Michael Würfel, from Sieben Linden Ecovillage
IntroductionWelcome back to Community Resilience, a podcast created in collaboration with the Ecovillage Resilience 2.5 Degree Project, facilitated by the Global Ecovillage Network. I'm your host, Eva Goldfarb, inviting you to gather around the fire as we explore resilience, adaptation, and transformation in our time of deepening polycrisis. Today, we gather with Michael Werfel of Sieben Linden Ecovillage, situated in the community Bietzendorf in the Altmark district, Salzbüttel, Saxony-Anhalt, … Read more