GEN International Trustee
GEN Board of Trustees

Rob has represented the Global Ecovillage Network at the United Nations for the past 20 some years, participating actively in the UN Commission, High Level Political Forum and World Summit on Sustainable Development and the Rio+20 process and conference; UN Climate Summit Conferences, and the UN Environment Assemblies. He organized and led a Sustainable Community Campaign for 5 years in Santa Cruz, CA in the 1990s. He served on the Executive Committee for the UN NGO Millennium Forum and the International Steering Committee for the World Civil Society Forum. Rob was also the primary NGO representative (on behalf of GEN) for UN Habitat's Initiative on Access to Basic Services for All. He has worked for more than 30 years as a teacher and environmental educator.
Site content by Rob Wheeler
Blog posts
The Highs and Lows of Striving for Climate Resilience
by Rob Wheeler of The Farm Tennessee, USAJust imagine, trying to create climate resiliency in a world that is seemingly hell bent on creating climate catastrophe and disaster, it may feel at times like an almost impossible task. So much to do and comparatively so little resources to do it with. And yet we have to keep going and trying. For our children’s, and their children’s, and even our own sakes.A year and a half ago we started this journey, joining in with 19 other ecovillage communities in … Read more