In today’s world, we are invited to embrace a new way of being—a way that calls for resilience, adaptation, and regeneration. These principles are not just abstract concepts but are becoming the foundation for a paradigm shift toward collective well-being and the honoring of life itself. At the forefront of this movement is the ongoing work of CASA Latina, the Latin American arm of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN).Regenerative Communication Training: A Space for Collective LearningAt the … Read more
Connecting communities and academia for a regenerative world: The EVIST Research Project
Rebeca Roysen is a member of Instituto Biorregional do Cerrado, an ecovillage in Brazil, and also an active member of the GEN Research Group and of the CASA Brasil Research Circle. This year, she was appointed Coordinator of a four-year research project called “Ecovillages as Incubators for Sustainability Transitions” (EVIST), supervised by Prof. Dr. Jens Köhrsen at the University of Basel, Switzerland. The aim of the EVIST Project is to better understand the role ecovillages play in local … Read more
Ecovillages and New Normalities – Insights from Dr. Rebeca Roysen BNN: Building the New Normal series - powered by Friends of GEN
Building the New Normal is really a matter of day-to-day actions of people living together differently. This emerges naturally wherever there is the persistent will (or coercion) to do so. It sounds simple and it is, but it is at the same time a complex undertaking. Dr. Rebeca Roysen has studied these transitional dynamics for years and has written an insightful academic article1 on ecovillages building new normalities, which she is happy to render here in a less scholarly fashion. She … Read more
The Centre for Alternative Technology maps a completely renewable future Largest survey of global energy scenarios shows 100% renewables can deliver 100% of the time!
In the largest survey yet of the rapidly rising delivery potential from renewable energy, a new report from the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) shows that clean energy could now meet all our electricity needs, at all times of the day, all year round. The report – Raising Ambition: Zero Carbon Scenarios from Across the Globe – draws on scenarios designed to meet the climate targets of the Paris Climate Agreement, developed at the global, regional, national and sub-national scales. … Read more
How do we want to live tomorrow and what does it take to follow that vision?
Susanne Ratka is a GEN Ambassador, seeker and community researcher who has recently spent 2 weeks supporting the GEN team in the Findhorn office. Simultaneously, she has embarked upon a journey to connect and inspire with her Community Research Project. Here, in this two-part article, she generously shares her path to community research and some of her learnings along the way. How do we want to live tomorrow and what does it take to follow that vision? Those were the questions I was … Read more
Call for Posters for GEN+20 For Research on Ecovillages
GEN+20 conference in Findhorn, Scotland, 6-10 July 2015: Do you have interesting research findings on ecovillages that you want to share with ecovillagers from all over the world? The GEN Research Working Group is organizing a poster exhibition on research on ecovillages at the International Conference of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) in Findhorn, 2015. You can either be an academic or a student who has conducted a research project in and around ecovillages. You can also be an … Read more