IntroductionWelcome back to Community Resilience, a podcast created in collaboration with the Ecovillage Resilience 2.5 Degree Project, facilitated by the Global Ecovillage Network. I'm your host, Eva Goldfarb, inviting you to gather around the fire as we explore resilience, adaptation, and transformation in our time of deepening polycrisis. Our guest today has a long history with the Global Ecovillage Network as Ecovillage Design Education Instructor, Project Partner, Gen African Council … Read more
Ecovillage Transition in Action!
We are celebrating the first successful launch of the prototype of our freshly developed Ecovillage Transition in Action Training of Trainers in St. Andrews University and our first multiplier event of this 3-year long partnership project which took place in the Findhorn Ecovillage !Ecovillage Transition in Action is an ERASMUS+ partnership between GEN international, ECOLISE, GEN Germany & the University of St. Andrews aiming to increase collaboration between community-led initiatives and … Read more
Webinar: GEN’s Core Values Be a part of the change you want to see!
With Daniel Greenberg, June 28 2019, free webinar via zoom. We would like to invite you all to review and reconnect with the proposed values so we can explore how we can best live these values (or actually living them) within the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) and how it can guide our actions and work. Daniel Greenberg will guide us through this process in the webinar. Clarifying GEN's Core Values will help us unify our identity and purpose, tell the world what makes us unique and … Read more
Auroville: a large ecovillage turns 50 by Susanne Ratka
Auroville is the second community besides Findhorn that I visited, which has made it to such a commendable age. What happens in a community if it exists for such a long time and how does it affect its surroundings? If you look at Auroville today you see a flourishing, manifold area, a lush green oasis with a rich culture, solid administrative structures, great education possibilities, creative and sustainable businesses, impressive buildings and a lively community going into its … Read more
Empowering the Next Generation Children in Permaculture Consortium grows in Europe
"How would your life be now if you were introduced to Permaculture as a child?" The question posed to participants at the Children in Permaculture (CiP) conference in May invited emotional responses: “I’d be farther along at implementing my work [in ecological and social restoration];” “I’d be less anxious as an adult;” “I would be more connected to nature and have a clearer framework for my life.” The undeniable social and ecological challenges of the present and future … Read more
Celebrating our Annual Report 2017 How we Innovate, Catalyse, Educate and Advocate in Global Partnership
Celebrating our Annual Report GEN just completed several months of hard work co-creating our 2017 Annual Report! It is a beautiful and many-faceted document and so we will take this opportunity to share some highlights from our programmes and partnerships over the last year that continue today! Since our mission is "to innovate, catalyze, educate and advocate in global partnership with ecovillages and all those dedicated to the shift to a regenerative world," we offer the following examples … Read more
Living and Learning Centres
Many examples of a worldwide range of Living and Learning centres are shown in this three folded brochure available for download: Living and Learning Centres. … Read more