On day 10 of the EDE at Siddarth Village the journey towards the final project has begun and we started by putting the foundations of our designs. With the purpose of integrating the learning of the first two dimensions (worldview and social) design groups have been reflecting and discussing on how to involve koshas and needs into their project.
In the afternoon we had an hands-on session on earth fill building! See some pictures attached!
During the first sessions of the Worldview dimension the group has gone through a process of deep self introspection. Life road, as first exercise, consists in a profound relaxation and a journey through life from the mother’s womb till the present days. In between the life journey the facilitator would ask the participants to recall 4 important incidents: one during childhood, one during teenage, one during the early twenties, and a recent incident. At the end of the exercise participants are allowed time to be with themselves and draw in colours their life journey. Drawing is a wonderful way to tap into the right brain and express oneself through emotions. After having left emotions sediment into the drawing few participants shares their experience to the whole group gifting everyone with life insights while the facilitator helps identifying what are the patterns that are getting repeated in each incident, patterns that are coming from the beliefs each individual has about oneself and the world. Life road session requires a whole day because profound emotions are brought up but is starting from there that healing takes place in depth. It is a beautiful journey that continues with exercises to change the mind map formed by apprehended beliefs and to replace them with a new beliefs system which can allow each individual to recreate a new reality, a reality full of happiness and abundance. Cleansing tears, in depth introspection, new connections and relationship, all are elements of a new journey that starts by connecting with the inner self preparing the ground for new levels of connection which are included in the EDE curriculum: with the community in the social dimension, with nature in the ecological dimension and with the society in a broader sense in the economic dimension.