We are celebrating the first successful launch of the prototype of our freshly developed Ecovillage Transition in Action Training of Trainers in St. Andrews University and our first multiplier event of this 3-year long partnership project which took place in the Findhorn Ecovillage !
Ecovillage Transition in Action is an ERASMUS+ partnership between GEN international, ECOLISE, GEN Germany & the University of St. Andrews aiming to increase collaboration between community-led initiatives and municipalities, scale ecovillages, and develop education towards these aims.
Our goal is to:
– Grow the capacity of educators, local initiatives, local authorities, citizens and community organisers to facilitate this crucial but complicated collaboration, and to teach those skills and capacities to others.
– Provide accessible and transferable educational tools, trainings, curricula, and methods for bringing together community-led initiatives and local government actors, and increase the depth and quality of collaboration between them.
– Create and prototype a set of replicable trainings that support our target groups to acquire key competencies and skills for what we call Ecovillage Transition – a process where municipal authorities and local citizens work together to develop alternative pathways to local development, based on a holistic framework of social, cultural, economic and ecological regeneration.
Materials and Resources, which are developed throughout the 3-year project are:
1. Communities & Local Authorities in Collaboration: A Handbook
2. ETiA Toolkit
3. Navigator Tool – To enable project planning in a collaborative way”
4. Training of Trainers programme
We are now in a phase of gathering feedback and refining the materials and resources, so that they will be ready to be launched by September 2022.
If you are interested in hearing more, stay tuned in our newsletter!
Luiz Carlos de Camargo Gonçalves says
Olá, Gabriel Siqueira. Sou Luiz Gonçalves, Permacultor (IPEC / IPEMA e IPOEMA), Ecodesigner, trabalhando em minha Dissertação de Mestrado (UNAM-Mexico), Produtor Agroecológico e Diretor Adjunto da AOPA – Associação para o Desenvolvimento da AgroEcologia.
Estou Representando a Sociedade Civil num Movimento que busca Transformar o Município de Piraquara, Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, Território de Mananciais, no Primeiro Município Orgânico do Estado do Paraná. Estamos Construindo um Convênio com Correns, o primeiro Bio-Município Francês. Participei de 13 ENCAS, 3 Congressos Biorregionais,1 Consejo de Visiones no México, 1 Convergencia Internacional de Permacultura, entre Outros Eventos Afins. Fiz o Curso de “Maestros de Ecoaldeas y Comunidades Resilientes”, Promovido pela GEN/ Casa Latinoamericana e UNE, entre Outros.
Também faço parte da ECOOTOPIA – Associação Cooperativa de Idéias e Soluções para o EcoDesenvolvimento, desde 1986.
Gostaria de Estreitar Vínculos para Fortalecer Nossa TRANSIÇÃO ao Primeiro Município Orgânico do Estado do Paraná.
Olga Tara says
Hello, I would definetely like to know more as I am leading the Sustainability Task Force at my home institution and we need resources and materials to modernise our curriculums. We also need trainings for Professors and students who are eco-minded.