The Aberamentho community is designed under the spiritual principle of individual sovereignty, to create a space to develop the potential of each of its members.
The Aberamentho Community seeks to maintain a balance between the individual and the collective without one prevailing over the other.
Aberamentho community is founded on spiritual and hermetic principles and its members are free to choose their spiritual practices and beliefs as long as these are relevant to the right path (service to others rather than service to self and ego).
In the Aberamentho Community there are no hierarchies of any kind and therefore all its members, without distinction of sex, age, education, race, religious belief, etc., have a voice and a vote in community decisions.
The Aberamentho Community is a space where all expressions of the human being are welcome: art, science, culture, knowledge, etc.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 1
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
I am looking for people who resonate with Aberamentho and who want to be a part of this community.
To become a member of the community, the person or persons interested must be volunteers for a maximum of 6 months, to get to know the candidates in depth and to know if they are in harmony with the principles of the community and its members.
Being a member of the community implies having the right to enjoy and use all the spaces and products of the community, as well as the right to a private space for your home that should not exceed an area of 100 square meters per floor.
The community member buys a stock or share from the community. The value of this share is USD$10,000.
Community income will be distributed in individual amounts given to each member and community amounts that will be used to continue the development of the community and its activities. The percentage corresponding to each one will be established by vote of all the members of the community.
A community member can sell their share to a third party and disaffiliate from the community. However, the person who acquires that share must be previously presented and accepted by the community.
A member of the community can be sanctioned in case her/his actions affect the sovereignty and inalienable rights of another member and her/his personal property. The most severe sanction will be expulsion from the community, in which case the individual will not be able to enter the community premises and must leave within a week. The community undertakes to reimburse the value of the stock of the expelled individual as soon as a new member is found.
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