Ahimsagram trusts in the infinite power of all humans and wants it to be expressed fully as we create sustainable and regenerative businesses, with self-management practices and healthy interpersonal connections. Ahimsagram was founded by Shammi Nanda, who imagines a world of individual empowerment with collective abundance and wanted to bring together people who had a similar search to build a collaborative organisation. The place is also a community of sorts where people share their work and lives while they work for a shared purpose.
Ahimsagram is inspired by principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Self Management, Holacracy, and sustainable living practices! We work with Holacracy as a Governance method, and as we also hold NVC dear to us, we try our best to look for solutions where everyone’s needs are seen of matter and have a space to be heard.
We are offering healthy and sustainable food through our cafe, cloud kitchen, and online shop.
We also practice and offer various programs on integral living with sustainable food practices, self-management, compassionate communications, family constellations, and other life-enriching processes.
Different from most organizations in the world, our team works on self-management principles where everyone in the team takes responsibility for their role(s) while enjoying autonomy and freedom. Team members are allowed to say no, encouraged to make mistakes, and appreciated for their creative ideas.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 5
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Form to engage with AhimsaGram: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmdwpH6c1dMh2KwAsQ30J-_4YEeKNnmMJrVv7ADvxPzA7O_A/viewform?c=0&w=1
Hello found it interesting would like to interact with you more
I am wondering if you’re open to visitors? I’m a 54-year-old female with experience in counselling, mentoring, group facilitation, Gardening and Garden Design.