We are a family that has assumed custody of a property in the rural area of the Dominican Republic, with the intention of Co-Evolving with the life that takes place there. This experience is a School of Life, not only for us and our affective circle; It will also be so for our few neighbors, who today are preparing to abandon their places, attracted by the cities. We feel that abundance will be expressed again. We are currently exploring the possibility of incorporating other families or members, with the intention of forming a more resilient community.
Our Skins:
Ecological Dimension: The village is a toxic-free zone (since-2014). We use solar energy, we separate waste at source to recycle it, dry toilets are used and a rainwater harvesting and greywater management system is designed. External negative impacts are being reduced.
Social dimension: To build a community of peers where cooperation reigns and collective creativity flourishes as an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
Economic Dimension: Transcend the exclusively monetary, transform work into what it should always be; source of love and enjoyment. If abundance manifests itself, the monetary aspect will be less important.
Cognitive Dimension: Life will regenerate our vision, expanding our consciousness, overcoming the culture of domination in command and separation from nature.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 2
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
En proceso de discucion/1er, paso declaracion intencion---
Hola, me gustaría atener más información sobre su proyecto. Soy una estudiante de los Estados Unidos estudiado conservación y ciencias ambientales. Por el momento estoy aplicando para una beca que me daría la oportunidad de visitar a la República Dominicana el en verano del 2023 y me encantaría visitar y apoyar a su proyecto.
Que tal/Hace un tiempo que ocurrió un derrumbe, ocasionando bastantes daños… Estamos en espera se estabilice, para continuar construyendo las facilidades como para alojar visitantes. De visitar Republica Dominicana con gusto lo recibiríamos como visitante por unos días,,, para que conozca nuestra situación Por el momento no podemos recibirlo por largo tiempo, favor mantenerse en contacto: gaiadominicana@yahoo,com