Aldeafeliz Ecoaldea
We are a rural ecovillage 1,5 hour from Bogota. We offer workshops and services on alternative health, ecovillage, permaculture, sustainable settlements, inner and spiritual growth, conflict resolution, sociocracy, decision making process, Non Violent Communication.
We are growing organic coffe, orange, bananas, plantains, guabas, cacao and organic vegetables.
We are involved in the Colombian Ecovillage Network (CASA Colombia), and we are one of the organicers of the “Llamado de la Montaña”, the annual colombian ecovillage gatering.
We have tree kinds of memberships: Turtles (members who live permanently in the ecovillage) beetles (who don’t live permanently in the ecovillage) and dragonflies (donors).
Uba Qynza
Uba Qynza is a permanent co-creation of living space, cared for and prepared for the respectful development, coexistence, and learning of girls and boys in a multi-age group between the ages of 7 and 11 years. Our name is in the Mhuysqa language, the ancient language of the territory we inhabit. In Spanish, it means Hummingbird Seed. In it we have put the purpose of making alive a pedagogy for the care of the seed, for the care of life and children, an education that seeks to accompany them so that they find the deep knowledge of the life that inhabits them and raise I fly listening to the voice of your heart.
We were born within Aldeafeliz Ecovillage and thanks to this support we watch over the development and learning processes of young and old, in an environment nurtured by the right conditions for curiosity, play, learning and love of life to express themselves and develop freely. Today we are an independent community and we have the support of the Aldeafeliz Association; Mothers and fathers actively participate in the operation of our project and we are committed to our ability to grow and evolve in the service of life.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 24
- Not currently open to new members, but might be in the future
- Open to visitors
Non-working Guests, tourists, travelers, Work Exchange and Volunteers welcome. It is mandatory to announce your visit in advance in any case, and we will only receive those who have obtained a visit permit.