Planning began in 2006 with the vision of establishing a sustainable settlement for up to 50 families. The driver was a shared concern for the dramatic changes coming from climate chaos and energy descent so initial design considerations took these emerging processes into account.
An orchard has been established on the Commons with a pond for irrigation. Utility trees have also been planted. The Commons is managed collectively by villagers using a modified consensus decision-making process. A pine plantation on adjoining land is being converted to a sustainable forestry operation.
Freehold titles are available nearby. Village membership and participation methods are currently under review with the aim of making them more flexible.
If you’d like to volunteer at one of our working bees please get in touch, but please don’t contact us about paid work because we don’t employ anyone.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 19
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Mytton Heights is a public road but Atamai Village has no office so visits are by arrangement only.
Some households take wooofers. Land is for sale nearby.