We’re a grassroots/communal project devoted to creating a natural and cultural space, carrying out dynamic forms of learning related to reconnecting with community, nature and the universe. We honour our ancestors and respect the generations yet to come, as well as constantly acquiring new visions of the world and thus strengthening our harmony with life. Moreover, we strive towards oneness with the network of nodes that make up the river of living love, ‘Caravana por la Paz y la Restauración de la Madre Tierra’- our parent project.
Aim: To help in the creation of peace and the restoration of Mother Earth through our eco-school, using methods employed in transition movements, permaculture, and community governance – all connected to the arts and their essence.
We have:
- Volunteer opportunities (Workaway)
- Yoga for physical and spiritual wellbeing
- Permaculture- education and culture
- Creative recycling (upcycling)
- Eco-friendly waste disposal
- Natural fertilisers, compost, and compost-making
- Bio-construction
- Fruit trees and an organic garden
- Healthy and conscious eating
- Arts and crafts workshops
- ‘EcoSInuestra’- a model for an alternative economy
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 6
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Contact us through our email ([email protected]); bless yourself and us, and come share time with us.
Acá Juan Pablo Lazo Ureta, integrante de la Caravana por La Paz y la Restauración de la Madre Tierra y vinculado a la casa Putraintü que es nuestra sede.
Invito a conocer este espacio y apoyarle, vinculado tanto al movimiento de CASA Latina como al Movimiento Mundial de Transición.
Un proyecto que aúna la comprensión de asentarnos en nuestra verdad trascendente: Somos Paz. Siempre lo hemos sido y responder la pregunta quiénes somos es la manera directa de vivir en el espíritu.
Mi rezo va por la erradicación de todas las guerras en esta generación y el habitar en armonía con todos los seres visibles e invisibles, desde ya. Sea la Gloria de Shambhalla.