Dear makers, creators, creative spirits and beautiful souls,
In the beginning of 2022 we bought an old farmhouse on a beautiful southern slope in the Austrian mountains and we’re in the progress of building a community project here. There is enough space for up to ten people to live surrounded by nature and find a path to a sustainable and peaceful life.
We share extensive experience with living in communities and organizing community projects. In 2022 Matt and Veronika also became parents for the first time – so from now on our little son is also part of the game.
Originally the plan was to prepare the basic infrastructure on our own and then invite people to join us later. But with all the crazy shit going on in this world (e.g. people starting new wars, instead of fighting climate change) we feel like it might be a good idea to speed up our process, step out of our comfort zone again and invite people to join us right now.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 3
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
// Notes about infrastructure: //
The building structure of our house is in good condition but the interior is basically a huge construction site. We have approx. 600m² to fill up with creative ideas for living together. If you joined us right now, you would have to settle for a rather low level of living comfort. E.g we can not heat every room and all floor coverings are under renovation. You could move into a single rooms temporarily but you would have to change rooms if renovation proceeds. But hey, let's celebrate that we are lucky enough to already have water, electricity, internet and a warm shower - which is more than most people have on this planet.
// Ongoing projects you could help us with: //
- Renovating the walls and floors in the first floor
- Installing highly energy-efficient split air conditioners (heat pumps) as a sustainable replacement for the existing oil heating system
- Installing a completely new metal roof that can carry high snow loads (almost finished)
- Installing a 45kW Photovoltaic system on the roof in order to be energy self-sufficient
- Drainage and drying of the walls of the house
ich besuche gerade unterschiedliche Projekte und Orte, weil ich gerne Teil einer solidarischen Gemeinschaft werden möcht. Bin in Kärnten aufgewachsen und würde euch gerne mal kennenlernen, falls das noch relevant ist.
Liebe Grüße,
Manuel vom EDE Glarisegg
Ich bin interessiert und neugierig
Was gibt es zu tun?
I am interessted to come and help.
Helllooo ✌!
Wie geht’s wie steht’s ?
Braucht ihr noch nette Unterstützung?
Dear Matt and Veronika where are you? I would like to visit you but I don’t know where you are located.
Your sentence “But with all the crazy shit going on in this world (e.g. people starting new wars, instead of fighting climate change) …” is a perfect resume of the question mark I have in my head…
Hallo an alle,
ja, wir suchen aktuell dringend nach Verstärkung und würden uns sehr freuen, wenn du dich mit einigen Infos über dich per Email meldest: [email protected]
Was suchst du? Was möchtest du einbringen? Wann hättest du Zeit uns zu besuchen?
Sei dir aber bewusst, dass unser Projekt derzeit noch eine ziemliche Baustelle ist und aktuell noch wenig Komfort bietet – aber immerhin produzieren wir jetzt seit Januar 2024 durch unsere selbst gebaute, große PV-Anlage mehr Energie, als wir benötigen! Juhuu!
Liebe Grüße aus den wunderschönen Bergen,
Matthias und Veronika
Hello everyone,
yes, we are currently urgently looking for reinforcement and would be very happy if you could send us an email with some information about yourself: [email protected]
What are you looking for? What would you like to contribute? When would you have time to visit us?
Be aware that our project is currently still a big construction site and currently offers little comfort – but at least we have been producing more energy than we need since January 2024 thanks to our self-built, large PV system! Yay!
Best wishes from the beautiful mountains,
Matthias and Veronika