Dombfalva is a complex and unique project that tries to connect different but fundamental areas of life. We believe that merging these basic areas of life can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. We carry out a wide range of activities, from eco-conscious architecture through landscape rehabilitation to various cultural programs. Approaching all of this with a community approach and with the aim of connecting the knowledge we have acquired in different areas and passing this on as widely as possible.
We host volunteer projects with the support of the European Solidarity Corps. One of our focuses is sustainable architecture and promoting an eco-conscious lifestyle. We would like to draw attention to the importance of environmental protection and teach our volunteers how to live a more economical and environmentally friendly life. Our volunteers are going to be able to learn about the site’s water management, the architectural use of wood, clay and straw, the environmental and economic benefits of using local materials, and the energy efficiency of available architectural solutions.
Our projects can be found on our website:
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