“Fruit Garden” – Gründung Ecovillage auf den Azoren / Sao Miguel
We are seaching participants to realise the ecovillage “Fruit Garden” on the Azores (main Island ‘Sao Miguel’)
Location: Povocao, Sao Miguel, Azores, (belongs to Portugal). The Land is located directly at the seaside with a breathtaking view. The land is embedded and protected from the Wind, cars and any other noises between two hills. You can only hear the birds, the trees, the wind and the sea:).
Space: 27ha of mainly forrest
Climate: Sub-Tropical
Aktual development status: Before purchase
Future legal form under Portugeses law: Cooperative
Organisation location and location of iniciation: Berlin, Germany
Our mission: “Fruit Garden” will follow this path: … Nature-based regenerative culture community, where a group of people of mixed ages create and demonstrate an abundant and thriving existence on and from the Rock, while enhancing the ecosystem they live in.
Our Vision: Our vision is to create a thriving, resilient and diverse community, a place of reconnection to nature and ourselves, and to model and teach permaculture, nature connection and community building. We are connected to the art world, so there will also be integrated spce for it…
For futher information and question please contact us on: +49 179 8301020 / Email: [email protected]
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 7
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
We are curretnly searching for additiona embers and co-buyers.
Hi Jonas
I am very interested in your project and I am looking to be a member and a co-buyer if possible.
I would like to share the land but can I have my own house? I can build it myself but most places they only accept people who want to live in co-housing/shared housing.
I am 55 years old but still very strong and love to build in wood. I also love arts/crafts and plan do a lot of it. Would be possible to have a ceramics kiln? I have so many questions!
Kind regards
Om. Namaste. Somos Lyuda (29 años, Ucrania) y Roma (35 años, Bielorrusia), investigadores espirituales. Estudiamos yoga, meditación y prácticas védicas. Somos vegetarianos y llevamos un estilo de vida limpio, sin alcohol, drogas ni tabaco. Organizamos retiros y seminarios. Buscamos un lugar para vivir y practicar en armonía con la naturaleza.
Aquí está mi Facebook.