Our aim is to connect communities and ecovillages in Czechoslovakia into a functional network based on trust, cooperation and close interpersonal relationships. In this safe and inclusive environment, each person and organization involved will be able to find and strengthen their unique potential, while learning how to share this individuality with others, how to accept, communicate and bridge mutual differences and thus develop a culture that supports life in all diversity. We see this as a path to a more alive, whole and hopeful future.
The forms of our activity in this field and the main activity of the association GEN Czechoslovakia are mainly:
- Associating and connecting people interested in communities, ecovillages and sustainable lifestyles, volunteering, sharing experiences and support.
- Cooperation with key stakeholders, organizations and institutions.
- Educational activities related to communities and ecovillages, organization of social, cultural and educational events (lectures, seminars, courses, trainings, conferences, experience courses).
- Consultancy in the field of sustainability and regeneration. Transfer of inspiration, experience and support from abroad. Gathering and disseminating know-how, values, culture, tools and methods that support multi-human coexistence and the evolution of life on Earth.
- Support of “living laboratories” and experimental projects.
- Securing funds and other resources necessary to fulfil the vision, purpose and goals of the association.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 40
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Check the social media links and websites for details.
Hello, we are two travellers from Scandinavia that may go to slovkakia next. Curious to visit an eco village, community or permaculture space in the beginning of next month.
Looking for information, if you can share some info points that’s helpful
Contacts also ofcourae!
Thank you
Much love
Hi Martin!
For sure do not hesitate to check out https://ecovillage.org/ecovillage/zajezka/ 😉
Warm greetings from Czechia (just came back from danish ecovillage AVNØ Oasis)