Goda Händer ecovillage is a rural community, where we take care of local resources and respect the limitations of the nature. We work with practical issues such as constructing ecologically sustainable buildings and cultivating our own food.
The ecovillage is also a project where we want to create a living community which promotes sustainable values, creativity and quality of life. Instead of stress and materialism, we want more time for nurturing our relationships and realizing our dreams. We also wish to build up a local market where we can cooperate with our neighbors and keep the chain from producer to consumer as short as possible.
We value our community. We regard relations and cooperation as the most important components in our ecovillage. We eat together twice a week. Several times a month we have meetings where we decide on big and small issues. Most fridays and one week in the summer we have communal working days. Different workgroups cooperate in fields such as gardening, forestry, construction, bee-keeping and more.
On the site, there are several buildings. We encourage different types of households; communal, family, tiny house, or whatever suits the individual members of the village best.
We have no regular programme for hosting volunteers, but do sometimes invite volunteers for specific projects. When this happens, we invite volunteers on our Facebook-page.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 13
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Please contact us on [email protected] for more information on housing opportunities.
Some basic knowledge in Swedish, or willingness to learn, is a prerequisite.
Hello!!we are a family , two parents and two children (3,5) on the road. We startet in Germany four weeks ago. Because of the sudden start in Germany we could not plan our travel. The dream is to get around the baltic sea. But…we will see, some boarders are still closed. Now we are close to Norrköping and interested to visit your eco village. It sounds quit interesting how you live and work. Is it possible for you to welcom us? we live in a sprinter bus with actually everithing we need.
Im looking forward to your answer
Cornelia and Manuel with kids