As specialists of Youth Inclusion, Life Project 4 Youth decided to replicate its Green Village model in Lebanon, providing solutions for the professional and sustainable inclusion of up to 240 Young women per year. It’s also a community eco-village as the Youth host events and learning activities with the community to share professional knowledge, digital inclusion and environment preservation.
In 2019, LP4Y focused its attention on Lebanon where the unemployment rate reached 37% of young adults aged 15 to 24. The consequences of the covid pandemic follow an ongoing economic and financial crisis, leading to increased unemployment, precarious employment and inequality. Lebanon is among the 10 most unequal countries in the world in the distribution of wealth and refugees represent 30% of the population. In 2021, LP4Y chose the village of Sourat, at a crossroad of Beirut, Tripoli and excluded villages to launch the Green Village Lebanon.
Green because of the strategy to eco-renovate the building and to organize sensitization sessions to the Youth and the community. Actions will include facilities and waste management and a better use of resources at a lesser energy cost. Partners valorising eco-consciousness will train the Youth that will, with the community, be impacted and able to replicate the model.
Village because of its powerful link with the village community. Through its ecosystem, Youth will organize Community activities designed to highlight the importance of social bonds and citizenship.
Providing Solutions for Sustainable Inclusion because, in a 3 month business game training based on learning by doing methods, the Green Village Lebanon welcomes and nurtures the skills of Young women. They become Young leaders able to look for and keep a job autonomously. Backed with daily LP4Y support, they find employment by themselves and break the cycle of poverty and exclusion of their gender and uplift their family.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 50
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
If you like to join us please send us an email at [email protected].
If you know excluded Youth motivated to join the 3 months training please send us an email at [email protected].
I found your project info through Global Ecovillage Network
Can I volunteer with you?
I am an American in Lebanon looking for teaching experience