We are around about 10 people (adults and children, including guests and helpers) who are living as a community on a beautiful piece of land near the river Saale in the area Franzigmark. Close to Halle Saale Germany Here we are working on all different kinds of projects.
On the land, which we bought in the beginning of 2018 as a nonprofit organisation, is next to a lot of beautiful green space and a few neighbours.
Since than we invested a lot of time, energy and love to restore some of the existing buildings, and cleared up the land from the trash and junk from the past. We are giving birth here to a new alternative lifestyle as a socio-cultural, eco-friendly community doing our best to live in harmony with each other and with nature.
The main motivation and drive behind all our actions is to live sustainability.
Therefore, we started to renovate the sheds in an ecological and aesthetical way, turning them, step by step, into open workshop spaces. Also, the main house, which we use as our common kitchen and dining area at the moment, is still under construction and is waiting to get a second floor on top, which will be used as a seminar room.
In our community we live by a horizontal decision-making structure, where we learn a lot from each other in our daily lives. We are thriving and evolving with many different kinds of creativity. Mainly in the fields of art, music, social work, carpentry crafting and building. All these skills come together in our common living as a group. They are also visible in the construction processes of all of our building projects.
We try to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible by recycling and upcycling all different kinds of materials. We also try to spread more awareness and sensitivity about sustainability in our environment.
We enjoy to create a space to share our passions (Building, Crafts, acrobatics, theatre, Clown, Ceramics, Instrument building, Yoga, Group process’) and open spaces for people to realise theirs.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 8
- Not currently open to new members, but might be in the future
- Open to visitors
Drop us a mail. Find out when its good to visit pass by for a few days. Come and be a guest for a while longer.
If you like us and we like you and we are open to more people! you can apply to join which leads into a probation time living together and seeing how it is.
Good evening.
How do we keep contact to talk about collaboration in loco and visiting?
try using the big orange “contact ecovillage” button on the top right of the page 😉