We are a community of diverse individuals organized in plenty of projects, intitiatives and businesses located close to Schwerin in northern Germany. In Medewege agriculture meets craft, arts, culture and education. Our whole project began in 1991 with the foundation of a Waldorf Kindergarten on an abandoned estate surrounded by agricultural areas. Gradually, we then started with farming and food processing, from milk to yoghurt, from grain to bread, from apple to juice. All of our farming and food processing practices follow Demeter guidelines. However, we are more than a farm! Some of us are craftsmen, artists, musicians, therapist…and we are socially engaged. We organize cultural events, seminars and international projects. We are open for co-operations, creative contributions, and visitors but we may rarely accept new members as lodging capacities are limited. However, you are always welcome for a stay in our holiday apartments!
Membership & Visitors
- Not open to new members