We offer an environment to Rejuvenate, become Inspired, and explore Creative Expressions through Art, Nature, and Spirit by optimizing individual and collaborative potential.
Nestled along Bali’s pristine Northern coastline, Inspirement Village is a 10-acre Artisan enclave that stands as a testament to crafting transformative experiences.
We offer artist studios, short-term and long-term stays, retreat facilities, and opportunities to join the community as a permanent village member.
Our village provides accommodations in Bamboo Tree Houses, Earth Domes, Moon Huts, and Earth/Tree Crash Pods.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 4
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Please Get In Touch with us via this link: https://inspirementbali.com/contact-us/
After 12 years of knowing Zubin Levy, having visited his “Walk” and “Infinite Crystal” in Ojai, California, and having heard about the vision of “Inspirement Village Bali”, I am honored to finally welcome it into the Global Ecovillage Network (GENOA – Oceana and Asia). I look forward to co-creating with you Zubin! Inspirement Village is Happening!!! Congratulations my friend!