Kibbutz Lotan is located in the far South of Israel, 55 kmorth of Eilat. “Members” of the cooperative fluctuate between 45-65, 4070 children. The community is multi-generational with students and volunteers from Israel and abroad coming for educational programmes. We are a cooperative settlement, jointly owning the land, community buildings and means of production. Joint economic initiatives include date orchards, dairy, photovoltaic electricity production, eco-tourism guest house and our Center for Creative Ecology. Members are responsible for their income and pay community taxes to maintain an extensive level of community services including wages of administrators, youth education and cultural life.
We apply the Biblical injunction “to till and to preserve” (Genesis 2:15) as well as the ancient Rabbinic ruling “do not destroy” into our way of life in our fragile desert environment. To this end we have established the Center for Creative Ecology (CfCE) – an ecological demonstration, education and research institute which deals with recycling, local organic food production, energy efficient housing, renewable energy, water conservation and sanitation, nature conservation and community engagement in environmental awareness and action. Kibbutz Lotan is recognized as a pioneer in community recycling of waste and in using waste in construction. The organic garden was the first CSA (community supported agriculture – subscription farm to table service) in Israel, and today supplies fresh vegetables to our Solar Restaurant. We maintain a Nature and Bird Reserve and two natural history trails adjacent to the community. We have been active in developing natural construction, specializing in earthquake resistant and energy efficient straw bale construction, including testing of these materials with the Standards Institute of Israel.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 200
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Non-working Guests welcome, Volunteers welcome