We are Véronique and Fabrice, and we really want to share a magical place Between the Aude and the Ariège, in the Aude Pyrenees, in the middle of nature.
🌿 Cohabitation available: A shared house of 160 m2 + room of about 30 m2, 4 private rooms (bedrooms/studio), a large common living room, a small common room of activities, resource oasis, immersed in nature, with 4 hectares of beautiful landscape, a stream and a pond.
Our associative goal is to promote human links in sharing, through various activities such as cultivating an agro-ecological microfarm (market gardening, berries, pam, orchard), Yoga, Music, Arts, Naturo, Plant-Based Cuisine, DIY, lowtech… ✨️
We want to develop food and energy autonomy.
Participatory housing project for 4 households currently, then light hamlet project subject to obtaining a stecal pellet, to enlarge us.
📣 We are looking for 2 associated households to share this adventure (single people or couples, there is not enough space for families with children currently), the project is not suitable for pets.
The place has not yet been bought, we are in the preliminary sales agreement.
Contribution to finance the project: €60,000 minimum/household.
❤️ We pay particular attention to human relations, in our ability to question ourselves, to cultivate benevolence, we like simplicity and sobriety, and want a horizontal shared governance: talking circles and decision-making in search of consent, Ethicracy.
🌼 If this really corresponds to your profile, and you are in a search dynamic, or simply investing in a meaningful project, contact us.
Meetings and visits to the site (outside the building) are organized.
You can follow us on our The Source Laughs page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552822592600
Looking forward to it!
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 3
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Contact pour plus d'informations
Bonjour Veronique et Fabrice.
Je découvre le site des Ecovillages et je trouve votre annonce réjouissante. Depuis ma sortie de lycée je rêve de faire un projet agricole à plusieurs. Depuis j’ai voyagé, rencontré mon mari et nous sommes maintenant prêts à se lancer sur un lieu. Entre temps mon idée de lieu a évolué, s’est précisé. Je souhaite que ce soit un lieu de vie et aussi d’accueil de retraite de déconnexion à la Source où les fleurs ont une place importante. Sur votre image il y a la rose et dans le nom la source. C’est ça qui m’a attiré je crois.
Où en êtes vous dans le projet, avez-vous acheté le lieu? Avez-vous trouvé d’autres personnes intéressé?
Au plaisir d’échanger.