The Love Plan is a single homestead in Mount Dora, FL which would like to grow into an eco-neighborhood of homesteads sharing a healthy lifestyle. Our definition of a healthy lifestyle includes self-sufficiency, sustainability, and promoting universal wellbeing.
We would like to have neighbors who are like-minded including self-sufficient in food and energy. Even better if you have children.
Our philosophical pillars include Compassionate Communication, Libertarian Socialism, Permaculture, and Natural Hygiene. Specifics include a low-fat raw vegan diet, organic gardening, localism, and home-schooling. As we have evolved our philosophy, we find the best way to describe it is to depict our values, worldview, and processes as a fully integrated, or connected whole, with emphasis on inclusion/participation of all, zero harm, 100% positivity, which has a profound implication: A systematic replacement of most every societal convention and institution.
1st photo: The tree is a Carrie mango. 2nd photo: Above is spinach and to the sides are two papaya seedlings about 3 months old. We have one or more of each of these fruiting trees/plants: Acerolas, Ambarellas, Avocados, Bananas, Blackberries, Blueberries, Calamondin, Canistels, Carambola, Ches, Cherry of the Rio Grande, Chestnuts, Feijoas, Figs, Grapes, Grapefruits, Grumichama, Goumi, Strawberry Guava, Jaboticabas, Jackfruits, Jamaican Cherry, Jujubes, Kumquat, Limes, Loquats, Lychee, Mandarin, Mangos, Mulberries, Oranges, Papayas, Pawpaws, Peaches, Peanut Butter Fruit, Persimmons, Pindo Palm, Pineapples, Pitanga, Pitangatuba, Pitayas, Pitomba, Plums, Rollinia, Sapodillas, Strawberries, Sugar Apples, Tangelo, Watermelons, White Sapotes.
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