We are a spiritual community and located on the territory of ex-pioneer camp in the protected forest and
on the bank of the river Oryl, which is one of the cleanest rivers in Ukraine.
The nearest village is 4 km and only 108 km to the International Airport of the Dnipro.
Educational Center
For 12 years we have been conducting yoga-retreats and meditation with spiritual leaders of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
The 360-square-foot pandal can accommodate up to 500 guests.
Certified masters of Yoga and Ayurveda carry out their author’s health programs.
Also in the Educational Center you can get spiritual training with us. We conduct both long-term and intensive courses on the practical aspects of spiritual life. One of the most popular is the in-depth study of the Ancient Scriptures.
To accommodate guests we have 3 buildings on 2 floors each. They have 43 rooms, including winter equipment. Amenities in the room.
During the warmer months, we use 15 summer rooms in stylized eco-houses and equipped with a tent area.
We own 150 hectares of land certified for organic production.
In agriculture we use biohumus with our own vermicompost.
Grow spellet, rye, pumpkin and more.
Raspberry and strawberries more than 10 hectares – we sell it to Europe in frozen form.
We also meld flour from our grain and have apple gardens of high-yielding varieties.
The greenhouse occupies the second floor of the cowhouse and warmes from the heat of 22 cows.
They are contained in a traditional Vedic non-violent way.
This means the cows and their calves they will not sell to neighbors, nor to slaughter.
More than 30 families of bees are also kept without violence and pollinate more than 1000 fruit trees of permaculture forest.
Every day we follow the Vedic Vaishnava spiritual path and do ourselves self-improvement.
We are vegetarians, do not use alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and other drugs.
Coordinates: 49 ° 09’58.9 “N 34 ° 48’19.9” E
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 15
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Hare Krishna
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