We are located in the near surroundings of Ouagadougou, in a 4 hectares place.
Our goal is to create a permaculture diversified farm, as an inspirational and sharing place, to live, experiment, share and spread permaculture mindset and knowledge.
We are convinced that we can develop very desirable ways of living that can provide our needs and regenerate the nature.
We are at the very beginning of our project, but we aim to be able to soon welcome people who want to give an helping hand setting the family garden, the food forest, and so on as activities are being developed.
In the meantime, we’re looking for people who’ve been through these processes, in order to share experiences and views !
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 2
- Not currently open to new members, but might be in the future
- Open to visitors
As a permaculture diversified farm, we're looking for people who want to join us for a certain period of time, either for helping developing the farm, or learning about permaculture and sustainable ways of living.
Je m’appelle Charlotte, j’ai 33 ans. Je serais favie de venir vous donner ub coup de main !
J arrive au Burkina en mai 2015. Bien a vous. Charlotte