A Coliving and Coworking environment to find resonance through communal exploration and your authentic flow in a broad field of opportunities: community, deep communication, trust, free eros, co-working, creativity & art, self-responsibility, paradise environment, permaculture, Andalusian village life,…
Welcome Artists of Change, Sensual Alchemists, Resonance Magicians, Nomadic Dream Weavers, Dancers of Transformation, Visionaries of the New.
We invite you to share our ready made extraordinary environment for short or long stays and to experience individual transformation and cultural co-creation. Coworking spaces with fiber internet combined with a flexible daily flow provide a supportive environment for personal or communal projects. Our coliving community is nestled in our friendly Andalusian village offering rooms and individual apartments for rent, with the opportunity to extend our life and activities organically to our nearby Ecovillage Laboratory—an artistic paradise where we also host guests and events.
Our paradise valley invites exploration, celebration, learning, and sanctuary. Here we enjoy treehouses, cave spaces, the ‘Spa’ glass temple with a hot tub, the ‘Moon temple’ as a sacred space for feminine empowerment and healing, the medicine wheel, a natural pool, and much more. The valley is a place of inherent magic, offered to us by Mother Earth, and cultivated over more than two decades of life’s sensations, emotions, learning, and transformative journeys, all celebrated in an organic flow of communal exploration. It has its own listing: https://ecovillage.org/ecovillage/valle-de-sensaciones/
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 7
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Visit our website and fill out the presentation form located under the 'Join' button.
Somos Lyuda (29 años, Ucrania) y Roma (35 años, Bielorrusia), investigadores espirituales. Estudiamos yoga, meditación y prácticas védicas. Somos vegetarianos y llevamos un estilo de vida limpio, sin alcohol, drogas ni tabaco. Organizamos retiros y seminarios. Buscamos un lugar para vivir y practicar en armonía con la naturaleza, lejos de la ciudad, donde podamos ayudar a los demás.
Aquí está mi Facebook: