Six Degrees Off Grid is located in Towale Village, a vibrant fishing community in Central Sulawesi. We are deeply committed to fostering meaningful connections between our guests and the local people, promoting cultural exchange, and supporting sustainable livelihoods. The village is a vital part of our eco-lodge’s story, and we work closely with its residents to promote traditional crafts, local food, and eco-friendly practices. Our surrounding waters are home to dugongs, and we actively engage in efforts to protect these gentle sea creatures along with other local wildlife. By integrating the community into our operations, we create an environment where both visitors and locals can learn from one another and collaborate in preserving the region’s unique natural and cultural heritage.
Membership & Visitors
- Not currently open to new members, but might be in the future
- Open to visitors
Please book a stay at our website, or contact us for further information about how to get involved.
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