Summerton Gardens is just getting started.
Have you been dreaming/reflecting on ways to scale down to a simple land-based life style?
Summertown Gardens just might be the place you’re looking for.
Come join us and help build this new community.
The initial direction that we feel called to is:
Integrated Ecovillage based on sustainability principles; Multi-generational, but more towards senior living; Cohousing, co-living permaculture homes that are cost effective, energy efficient, etc.; Common buildings and areas; Visitor and rental cabins; Sites for Tiny Houses; Business endeavors that support the community and produce outside income; Permaculture food systems, including aquaculture; Cooperative purchasing and shared use of tools, equipment, etc..
Summertown is a small town in a relatively rural area, but close to cities that provide essential needs not provided by the community.
It is close to “The Farm” and several other established Intentional Communities, as well as Amish/Mennonite communities with the usual farm products, saw mills, trades.
The area seems to be attracting more and more people interested in this life style.
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We are both 63yrs young and wise. We both have decades of experience with community support, lifestyles & leadership. After retiring last year from a series of lifelong career experiences in high technology, catering, mortgage & Real Estate Broker, fermented food production and sale in San Francisco, catering & event planning, etc… we’ve decided that the EcoVillage-like lifestyle is THE future for man’s ascension to higher levels of self and community life. We are looking for a community that is well balanced in demographics, thoughtfully designed and governed and as self sufficient as possible.