Welcome to Terramana, a non-profit eco-spiritual project aiming to recreate Paradise on Earth.
The project is taking place in Sumatra, Indonesia, on more than 5 hectares of an indigenous rubber plantation, with a beautiful river passing through, bordering the wild primitive jungle, where we planted 1000 fruit trees in 2002. Today, many are still alive and strong with lots of durians. Terramana is born from the vision of a group of dedicated men and women whose dream is to recreate Paradise on Earth, as it was known at the origins of times.
Terramana has two main components :
– spiritual, to explore all aspects of human potential and to facilitate the process of inner growth.
– ecological, to heal the planet and manifest the natural beauty and abundance of the primordial times.
We feel Sumatra’s jungle is exceptional to accommodate the project. The jungle reflects the Primordial Vibration of the World…, it resonates from everywhere in everything…, in its foliage, its land, its stones and rivers. It moves through us…, it reminds us the foundations of Existence… it grounds us in our life force… it takes us back to ourselves, to our True Nature.
Suddenly, we are surprised to feel into another world, a foreign world but at the same time so familiar, so close to the Divine…
This is an invitation to all people who carry within themselves the desire to participate to this raw eco-community focused on inner development and sustainability.
Those who feel a strong appeal along with this vision, those who are looking to live in balance and harmony with themselves, other people and Nature, are warmly welcome to join us.
It is an intense journey that is offered to us based on mindfulness of the Human potential.
The objective is to form a small group of pioneers to lay the foundations of the community, to determine the next steps and actions necessary to achieve the dream.
The time there will be used for :
– Development of the land and the fruit forest
– Housing construction in natural materials from the environment
– Various workshops and group dynamics
– Emotional and spiritual growth in small groups or individually
– Creativity, artistic expression, games, music, parties…
We need all kinds of expertise to boost the project.
So… Join us in the primeval cathedral where the ancient Wisdom of mankind is always singing!