Hello. I intend to start an ecovillage in Spain, an innovative formula that would allow its members to work 1 day and relax / paticipate / enjoy the ecovillage life during the other 6 days of the week. Sustaining, supporting and expanding from there. Each member would have to contribute at first with the value equivalent of selling his or her car aprox in order to buy the land, buildings and other facilities needed. I’ve already spotted several locations and designed plausible plans.
The ecovillage will be based on the principles of recycling, reusing and reducing; a vegetable garden (permaculture), meditating and yoga to find inner peace. The ecovillage will be supported by an external business.
This ecovillage will be started by adults only at first but with the idea to expand to a larger cohousing project that will include families. This second ecovillage should be developed through bioconstruction.
If any of this resonates with you please get in touch with me for further details.
Cheers! Andrés
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 1
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Each member should:
1 live by the approved rules as in any cooperative.
2. contribute finacially to start the community (estimated cost of land, buildings, facilities: 20.000 to 30.000 euros per member.
3 accept the general training scheme to coexist based on meditation, sociocracy and ancient philosophical principles
4 agree to the general plan to grow and expand.
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