Debido a las circunstancias globales de la recesión internacional, conocimos a diversos personajes de diferentes continentes y bio-regiones para conceptualizar y materializar un modelo de vida alternativo para nosotros. Nuestro objetivo es compartirlo con otros bajo un enfoque de código abierto y copyleft para que sea replicado para facilitar la sostenibilidad y la soberanía planetaria.
Honramos el Amor y la Soberanía de la Madre Naturaleza y nuestras Antiguas Raíces como Humanidad en Armonía dentro del Cosmos basados en Seis Pilares:
1- Soberanía de la Madre Tierra y sus Aguas
2- Soberanía Alimentaria y Nutricional de la vida planetaria. (Agroforestería sintrópica).
3- Soberanía financiera y energética
4- Hábitat y soberanía tecnológica
5- Soberanía espiritual, salud y bienestar. (Centro holístico)
6- Soberanía cultural y reeducación
Estamos en transición para mudarnos a la Eco-Comunidad Yaakunaj Amor:
Actualmente, estamos enfocados en la siembra, ya que la Soberanía Alimentaria es vital para poder generar una permanencia en el lugar. Al mismo tiempo, estamos diseñando el Plan Director y los modelos de Vivienda Sostenible con eco-tecnologías y energías alternativas.
Estimamos que nuestro Proceso de Facilitación de Permanencia en curso se completará en 2022 para garantizar la buena vida en el lugar. A partir de ahora, somos más de 20 personas respaldadas por un programa de voluntariado que continúa integrando reuniendo hasta 100 personas con amor y voluntad para co-crear, sostener y desarrollar un cambio sostenible.
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 22
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Resonate with the Nacaome Six Sovereignty Pillars and Our Manifesto:
Our written Manifesto:
Art is Life
Art is Life & Life is Art, it is the maximum expression of our holistic soul to communicate emotions and feelings from our deepest and sacred existence.
By expressing our inside art, we release our spiritual part into the matter.
In Spanish, "Artesano" is what we call a person that makes artistic hand-crafted pieces. Similarly, "Arte Sano", can mean that Art is healthy, therefore "Arte Sana". Art heals and art is a healing vehicle to enlighten our inner child and let go of fear, frustration, pain, passion and even joy. It is a means to balance the unlimited possibilities of negative or positive vibrations, from duality to polarity to integration.
Art in Life is a playground state of consciousness, to embrace our inner child and co-create magical spaces in our personal atmosphere to share the Art of Life and life as a poem.
"The spirit will speak for our culture"
Written by The Nacaome Beehive Tribe
January 10th 2019.
We honour The Love and Sovereignty of Mother Nature and our Ancient Roots as Humanity in Harmony with the Cosmos based in Six Pillars:
1- Sovereignty of Mother Earth and its Waters
2- Food and Nutritional Sovereignty of planetary life. (Syntropic Agroforestry).
3- Financial & Energy Sovereignty
4- Habitat & Technological Sovereignty
5- Spiritual Sovereignty, Health & Well-being. (Holistic Centre)
6- Cultural Sovereignty & ReEducation
Hola! En que parte de Mexico se encuentra esta comunidad? Me interesa encontrar un lugar en Mexico donde se hablen varios idiomas. Yo hablo Español, Inglés y algo de Francés.
Hola Karla, un gusto saludarte, con gusto nos puedes contactar por medio del numero que esta indicado en GEN, sera un placer compartir contigo el espacio y la diversidad de actividades que tenemos dia a dia.
Are you a vegan community?
Hello beautiful InLakech community,
I’m Buse, a Turkish traveling mutlidisciplinary artist, specialised in mural paintings, installation/decoration and tattoo art.
At the moment I’m traveling around Mexico and really interested in learning/researching about ways of living in eco village initiatives around here. Found your place on google by chance and thought it would be a great place to check out🌱☀️
I am on a mission to find or create a base for myself, location unknown atm but somewhere I can grow my roots in a self-sustainable creative environment, live in harmony with nature and my surrounding, including people who would be my neighbours, co-creators, collaborators for future projects and dreams.
That’s why I would love to be part of different projects similar with this vision/mission to get some experience and learn new tools, methods and systems that are necessary to kickstart it in the right direction.
As an exchange of accomodation&food for 2 weeks I’d love to offer my artistic skills in any area of your community space needs or wishes.
Please feel free to check out my portfolio below for inspirations;
If not in an artistic way, I’m also happy to contribute and volunteer in any other areas that your community is in need.
I am planning to be around Mazunte/Zipolite region from the 20th of April and onwards.
Please feel free to contact me if you have available spots for volunteers.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Wishing a wonderful day!
with love,