Our vision is to encourage young people to have a fun experience in community life, where they can slow down, hear the silence, grow awareness, be in balance and giving them a place where they can start to trust themselves.With this encouragement, young people can reconnect with nature, learn to accept others and learn about sustainable and low impact ways of living in ecovillages and rural settings. On this path of transformation, they can get all the support they need and in turn be able to support others and find ways to take care of the planet in their daily life.
We are an european group of people part of NextGEN Europe interested in sustainability willing to share ecovillage lifestyle and low impact ways of living. We are working by young people, with young people and for young people.
Projects 2018
- Findhorn Community, Scotland: Embracing Diversity: Applied ecovillage living:March 2018. Sending organizations: GEN-NL, RIE, RIVE.
- Valdepielagos Ecovillage, Spain: Theater as a Tool to Share Values: May 2018. Sending organizations: France (Regain, L´Arche Communities), GEN-NL, RIVE, Turkey (Anadolu University), Sol y Tierra Asociation.
- Native Spirit, Austria: Youth, Nature and Empowerment June 2018. SKEY ( Finland Ecovillage Network), Ecobasa, RIE.
- Zavode Veles, Slovenia, We are the Key. July- August 2018. Sending organizations: RIE ( Iberian Ecovillage Network), RIVE ( Italy), Amma( Serbia).
- ZEGG Community, Germany. Youth on Earth- Yes we (c)are. Sending organization: Ecobasa, RIE, Colibris, Preplet.
- Training for Youth Leaders in Facilitation Skills. Lakabe, October 2018.
- Training for Creation of Projects– Sieben Linden, December 2018.
– May in Hallingelille, Denmark ( Spain, Basque Country, Italy, Slovenia, Germany)
– Bergen, Netherlands ( Spain, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Finland)
– August in Zavod Veles, Slovenia ( The Netherlands, Spain, Basque Country, Italy
– October in Lakabe, Iberian Peninsula ( Germany, Spain, Basque Country, Italy, The Netherlands)
Membership & Visitors
- Current members: 10
- Open to new members
- Open to visitors
Visit our website, check the future Youth Exchanges, apply for them and come!
Hello everyone!
My name is Viola and I am about to turn 19 years old. From beginnend of March to beginning of April I will be travelling to Spain with a friend, and although might only have a week or two left, I would be incredibly happy to visite the Valdepielagos Ecovillage in Spain. It would be amazing to get to know more about your current and upcoming projects and to be able to participate and help if possible.
This year I am between school and university and trying to discover new solutions to these many problems in the world and to travel and learn in general. I am afraid of what our future will bring especially in terms of the climate crisis we are in and am curious to find out about new ways of life.
I hope we can get in contact and learn a little more about each other. And if is possible to visit the ecovillage, I would be extremely happy to!:)