- Date: 24 April 2020
- Location: Findhorn Foundation Community and Ecovillage, The Park, Findhorn, Forres, Moray IV36 3TZ, IV36 3TZ, United Kingdom
- Language:
- English
- Region:
- Areas:
- Art & CelebrationNature ConnectionVision & PurposeBanking & ExchangePlanetary BoundariesSharing & CollaborationSocial EntrepreneurshipContextualised DesignLeading from the FutureDiversity & CohesionHealth & HealingLeadership & GovernanceLifelong EducationEcosystem RestorationGreen BuildingRenewable Energy & TransportSeeds, Food & SoilWater Cycles
- Context:
- Category:
For more information, please visit the event website.